Good Morning Kate. It means I put the food on his plate and handed it to him, no big deal took about 30 seconds.
My husband would be astonished if I "fixed his plate." Hey, I cooked it all; he should be "fixing my plate."
Miss nice guy only works for so long though. Like I said if he gets too spoiled seconds will be on him,literily!
Thanks @Marie Mallery I do that while he sits other other side of the breakfast bar, he’s forbidden to come in the kitchen while I’m dishing up our meals , he used to have a habit of deciding to make a coffee for himself while I was cooking and he’d be under my feet so one day I had a spit …(raised my voice) so he stays out now while I’m cooking. During our 2 years traveling in our caravan 2004 ~ 2006 I remember going to a tropical botanic gardens with friends in another part of Queensland where they lived …about 1000 km frim where I’m in QLD at the moment Pat said to me as we sat at a picnic table to make our salad roll (we’d taken the ingredients) with us and a fresh bread roll ….she said make him …. .make his own ,cause hubs was sitting there while I made his lunch and put it in front of him ….and I always turn his dinner plate so the meat part is in front of him. Don’t know where I picked up that habit. Sadly our dear friends are no longer with us passing at only 71 for both
Kate sorry about your friend's passing that has to be very hard on you, I try to talk to mine a few times a week. Been friends since 12. I have a couple other close friends but one has a new husband and not the same. I like doing for gim and I bet he likes that meat pointing at him, mine could live off meat but I like veggies mostly. Hubby has turned into a real baker since he retired. Now he thinks he can tell me how to cook.. I bet yall had a great time traveling in .
Mine can make a very simple meal but I can’t remember how long ago he did that ….prob 5+ years ago and he is to slow takes him about 2 hours to prep peel veggies ..sit down have a coffee ..before cooking. then I remind him was he coking tea tonite ? Oh yes that’s right …nar I’d rather do the cooking. Both our friends died suddenly within a year of each other. We sold our caravan about 18 months the ago, it was getting a lot of work to maintain the steel towing bits and the underneath which hubs stripped back and painted with a good quality paint but it got that way it needed doing every year because we live near the sea
I love hubby. But I remember when I worked weekends (he did not like that) and I would make up a casserole and say, 'Put this in the microwave for 2 minutes and then turn it 1/4 and put in for another two minutes." He would wait till I got home so I would 'cook' dinner.
Yea but they do come in handy at times. When it gets too out of hand, it's no more miss nice guy till he treats me nice. I heard the saying happy wife, happy life? He just has to be reminded how 'happy ' he is.
1950's housewife? How weird is that? Sounds like a few folks are rather jealous that she can even do this for her husband. If he'd prefer to eat out, he'd let her know in a big hurry. I never packed a lunch for my husband, but then again, I never packed on for myself either. Nor for my son. We always ate out. Guess we should have watched our pennies back then. I certainly would today.
Ya'll sound like me when it comes to meals for the hubby. I make his lunch and carry to recliner.. i am trying stop that but hard habit to break. Tv is non stop, so at supper time he goes to to table but turns tv in direction of table. Kinda unnerves me at times. However, he is and has always been very appreciative of every meal. He even helps clear off the table some. Sets trash out at door for pick up after meal time. He is excellent cook and grill person, but has done neither in years. He only wants to eat my cooking..go figure. He made mention of me cooking rib eyes Sunday for my 74th BD I told him today- um I hate to rain on your parade bubba ,but if you think I am cooking my BD dinner and cleaning up afterward you are sadly wrong. So where are you taking me ?