Evil Product Advertising

Discussion in 'Shopping & Sales' started by Ken Anderson, Jul 22, 2022.

  1. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I was looking for a place to post a Nestle attack podcast but didn't want to restrict it to Nestle because we'd probably run out of things to say about Nestle before long. So this thread is about product advertising that may be fraudulent, misleading, or evil. Although the videos that I am embedding in the OP are about Nestle, the thread is not just about Nestle and, if no one else does, I'll post others later.

    Bobby Cole likes this.
  2. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    Well, any tv commercial since wwII by the regular commercial humongous money-making
    milk industry is false advertising
    and led to millions of problems in people who drank
    milk that is bad for them
    as the doctors published right before the first tv commercial ads/blitz responding to the doctor's white paper to get more adults to buy and to drink milk.
    It is responsible most probably for billions of dollars every year for diabet.. , hart.. problms, vasculr problems, intestin problems and brain problems.



    et al x555555

    I was trying to think of ANY commercial that is NOT false advertising or at least NOT harmful.......
    obviously, society is not harmless nor safe.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 22, 2022
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  3. Mary Stetler

    Mary Stetler Veteran Member

    May 30, 2021
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    Pretty much any packaged foodstuffs is bad for us. and worse for pets.
    But they taste so good!
  4. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    So as I watch that first video, I wonder who is pure enough of motive and behaviour to do anything about this?

    -I get sickened listening to our politicians hypocritically grill these execs while not only being worse themselves, they are likely complicit in the very problem they purport to be aghast at.

    -The politicians in 3rd world countries where Nestle is taking the clean water from the inhabitants and then selling it back to them is all done by greasing the right palms.

    -Infant formula is saleable because of convenience and--in some cases--vanity. Mothers hear what they want to hear, as we all do...we can all find behaviour justification.

    -Doctors who take money to recommend products are no longer looking out for the patient's health, but how long ago did that ship sail?

    It seems that everything in our world not only is this corrupted, it has always been that way. I guess some of us my have the capacity to look out after our own best interests--to the extent we can even trust the data we are permitted to see--but what about those who have a right--and a need--to rely on an uncorrupted system?
  5. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    Seriously ?
    As far as I know, you would have to look to the Old Testament/ Torah or New Testament to find anyone who is surely "pure".

    If you could find anyone "pure enough" in this generation, what could they do ? Truth tellers are not very much valued in government or industry or corporations or businesses or churches or banks or hollywood or stock market or anywhere, are they ? They are silenced, shunned, assassinated, and worse.
  6. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    I should have said "uncorrupted" rather than "pure."
    Bobby Cole likes this.
  7. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Along the same vein as unhealthy advertising is within the Bodybuilding industry for indeed, although those athletes we see in the ads might look good on the outside, a major portion of those builders will die early in life from what they’re doing to themselves on the inside.

    Every baby boomer guy remembers the Joe Weider and Charles Atlas ads on the backs of comic books telling us that the reason we’re going to get sand kicked in our face at the beach is because we’re not muscled up.
    Charles Atlas claimed that with just 15 minutes of exercise a day along with his special diet, he could turn “Weaklings” into Men but those ads were by and far simpler and less invasive compared to some of today’s much darker promotions.

    From YouTube to nearly every muscle based forum, there can be found ads the justify their existence simply because whilst they may not necessarily lie, they just do not tell the whole truth.
    Example: People are buying more protein based products thinking that when they mix up that shake or chug down that can of caffeinated laced protein, the better they can function and even build muscle and to some degree, it might be true. But, the advertisers of protein won’t say that if ya sit on your butt 24/7 and take 300 grams of protein a day it might be your last day on earth.

    From Anabolic Steroids to synthetic HGH all the way down to the most meager of supplements found in nearly every department store and pharmacy, the bodybuilding and fat burning industry is a multi-tiered / multi-billion dollar agenda that centers around those who simply will not do the research or worse, those who only care about their external appearance.

    To be true, I do not believe I have seen one *completely* false advertisement for bodybuilding / supplementation yet but then again, I’ve never seen one completely honest bodybuilding supplement ad yet either.

    Of interest, the mortality rate of bodybuilders is 34% higher in an age related study and mostly attributed to the improper use of chemical products readily available on the market.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2022
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  8. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    Cosmetics for men...but deadlier.
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  9. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    True, but women are getting more and more involved with the present craze of muscling up.

    To be sure though, it isn’t just bodybuilders who are subject to the less than healthy lifestyle that is being promoted.
    When I go to the convenience store down the street, there are 2 complete coolers that only stock protein and caffein drinks and then when I walk up to the counter there’s the boxes of the $2.50 containers of 5 hour energy shots and such.
    Some of the labels even show some well built guy or gal which promotes the thought of how good I’ll look if I drink this crap.
    John Brunner likes this.
  10. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Actually, years ago, I had an old girlfriend that divorced her husband because he wouldn't let her touch him, except to kiss him "goodby" when he went to work. I remember her telling me, "He told me that he had put a lot of time into the muscles/body he had and please don't touch him."

    I'd never heard of a divorce happen over "muscles/body", but guess it could.
  11. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    I have, but it usually involved a 3rd party.
  12. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    Reminds me of the ads regarding "Low T" (testosterone.) Being susceptible to this stuff, I had my doctor check my level. Then I discovered that "normal" covers a very broad range, so as to almost be meaningless. And there are some serious risks when you inject hormones into yourself.

    At some point--absent any true malady--you gotta accept that your body does what it's gonna do at each stage of your life.
    Bobby Cole likes this.
  13. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    It’s been my experience that the testing results are based on the age brackets between 18 and 40.
    That said, if one fears that his testosterone levels are low then 10 minutes a day working the larger muscle masses such as the quads is all most people need. A few squats and bingo, the body does what the body does.

    Supplements do not necessarily help make people healthier. Look better maybe but healthier is the question.
    John Brunner likes this.
  14. Mary Stetler

    Mary Stetler Veteran Member

    May 30, 2021
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    I have been testing supplements on myself for years. Some work, some don't. None will let me live forever. Fortunately, I don't want to. Multi vitamin/minerals are never truly complete so one has to alternate between brands. But not those put out by big pharmaceutical companies!

    Advertising sells. It would be better if we did not pay attention and just did research. But we don't have the time or inclination. Whether it is political ads or drug ads or body building ads, clothing ads...
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  15. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I think the long and short of it all is that humans are basically lazy but with that, we want the luxury of thinking that things are getting done.

    In the examples that @Ken Anderson gave, all of Nestle’s ads say that feeding babies with their formula is as good if not better than the breast fed product and who is going to argue with their proof?
    So here we are when there’s so little formula on the shelves versus a mother who is fully stocked with their body’s own formula and guess which one mom wants? The easier way of course.
    Maybe people are being taught from birth itself to eventually run to Burger King instead of preparing their own meals. It’s faster, easier and Burger King says it’s just as healthy and in some cases, maybe it really is.’

    Note: Though our own FDA is severely lacking, other countries like Mexico have little to no oversight as to what is actually in the baby formula that Nestle and others produce.

    If the ads say, “Build muscle fast” or “lose belly fat in a few days” it’s sold. It’s much easier to take a pill or mix a powder than to actually do what it takes to physically get the job done and who is there to argue with?
    Right there on the label it shows a guy with 20” arms and a 28” waist sporting a 3% body fat rating backed by someone who passed a course in nutrition.
    You too for only $59.99 can look like this ! Of course, if one really READS the “squint your eyes back label” it will inevitably say that with the proper diet and exercise yada-yada-yada but it will NOT say anything about overdosing and possible death. For that tidbit of information one has to do some research which, is definitely harder to do than just take the stuff and hope for the best.

    Evil advertising to the max.
    Mary Stetler and Marie Mallery like this.

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