Yep, I was amazed the first time I saw it. I wished my mind could come up with such cool ideas One thing I do with the grease in the pan of bacon, is soak it up with a paper-towel nowadays. I was always trying to lift a heavy cast-iron to pour the grease into something. I just sit the paper-towel in the garbage, making sure it isn't next to the plastic liner
@Denise Happyfeet I believe they're called bacon presses. I don't use them for bacon, but have used them in the past for making grilled cheese and other grilled sandwiches. I love the smashed grilled cheeses like we'd have when I was a child, and those make them just right. I don't have one right now, but I've been meaning to buy one.
Hahaha...I was laughing so much I was nearly choking... All this talk of Bacon has made me hungry...I'm off to cook some...and I always do the same thing as you..pat it dry with paper towels...I always dry fry it as well... be back when I've had my bacon fix..
I'm cooking as we speak, LOL! I also want to start a new thread called "kitchen disasters". Get ready, set, gooooo!!
If you are out of parchment paper, Denise, just spray some PAM on a baking sheet and that'll work but it's harder to clean up than with the paper. Also remember to use a baking pan with little sides or the fat will run off. I once started to use a cookie sheet that had no sides. I caught myself in time though. Now I am so hungry with this bacon talk and we haven't been shopping in awhile since we weren't home. I'm leaving in a few minutes and I bet I buy some bacon.
I like it, but my Mom loves it, so I get us some veggie bacon from Morning Star and it fries up like regular bacon...never tried to oven bake them yet. It needs constant turning more than regular bacon to get it the right crispness. It doesn't splatter so like regular bacon when frying. The taste is okay, very close to regular bacon, but remember not the same taste as regular bacon. Recently there was a price increase of it from 4-5 to 5-6.19! That hurt!!! But Mom likes it so I get it for her.
Hmmmm.......After offering my "disclaimer", here I go letting myself be "sucked-in" again! Sucking out the contents of an egg prepares it for scrambling very efficiently. Bacon, or no. Frank