It's been a few years, and we've had a lot of new people since then, so how about it, any former Boy Scouts here? How about Girl Scouts or other forms of scout organizations?
I was a Blue Bird or whatever it was called in elementary school. My first husband was an Eagle Scout and a Sea Scout; his troop owned a sailboat. His father was an Eagle and a troop leader; his grandfather was also an Eagle Scout. Neither of our sons had any interest, though our oldest was a Cub for a short time.
I was a Cub Scout in 3rd grade in Indiana, and did not continue it when we moved to Virginia. My neighbor here had been a scoutmaster for decades. I have no idea how many Eagles he helped create...there's a complex process to it within the organization. A second troop was started in the county (I think there's a "parental politics" backstory), and many of those scouts sought out my neighbor for help with becoming an Eagle Scout...he never refused a request for help from any kid. He stepped down last year (recently turned 70 and had knee surgery) and still helps them out as Assistant Leader. They now have a female Scout Master.
I was a cubscout and then a boy scout ifit to life scout. My wife gad a den if cub scouts when our boys were young.
I never was a Girl Scout but was an assistant leader when my daughter was one. My dad was a long-time and highly respected Boy Scout leader for years and I was a lot more interested in the boys....LOL. The interesting thing was that my late husband was an official Brownie Scout "mother" of our daughter's troop, the only male leader in the state and one of only 7 in the nation at that time. It was a newly-formed troop and I'd hear the following conversation every time a parent would call to get their daughter enrolled, "Yes, I'm the leader. No, you don't want to talk to my wife. No, I AM the only leader. Yes, that's correct." Some parents fully embraced it, some didn't. He was a great leader and the girls adored him. He had an uncanny talent with kids, especially troubled ones. He could talk to children and they listened.
Yeah, yeah, I know. There were pedophiles in the Boy Scouts. I never saw or heard of any in the eight or nine years that I was a member, but I don't doubt there were some. There were - and are - pedophiles in the public schools, libraries, churches, and in the neighborhood. In any organization where there are children, there will be pedophiles, and we're well on the way to legalizing pedophilia if we continue along the path we're on right now, so don't expect that to get any better. Pedophilia was used by people who supported pedophilia as a means to bring down the Boy Scouts because the organization, at that time, promoted values that ran contrary to the progressive global agenda, so that's not what this is about. That's not what this video is about, anyhow.
According to figures I saw a few years ago, the most child sexual abuse occurs in and around the public schools. That may have changed now that the borders are open and children are being trafficked at government expense.