Geez Bonnie, yeah, they really had their wires crossed. How upsetting that would be!! You deserved some sort of compensation for that, geez, at least a letter or something of apology
@Ruby Begonia, I'm sure she would. It could also be that the info I found was an old number. He may not even have a phone now where he lives. Also, if the address was correct he should have gotten my card by now. I haven't received any calls.
I hadn't thought of the number being old. It would have to be very old, so old it was finally reassigned to someone new. Otherwise, there would be a number disconnected recording, I'm thinking. I would vote for calling again. And again.
You can here in the UK ring your phone company to check that the number is connected and operating OK. A screeching noise is bit weird, we get a continuous tone if the number is unobtainable, or a voice recording saying that.
The fact it rings sounds like it's connected which would point to him being in hospital or maybe staying with his daughter. Can you put the phone number into Google search, I have traced addresses that way in the UK a few times, a reverse directory.