And back to Daylight Saving Time... I got all the clocks reset. We have a lot of clocks in this house. Ugh.
I thought we were in the "Who cooks your turkey?" thread. Daggone time change, making me post off-topic & such.
Moved all the turkey posts to the appropriate thread, and we are now all back on topic with time change again.
I hate the time change. I wish they leave it one way or the other. I am grumpy and tired for weeks, till I get use to it.
I got up this morning at 5AM and changed most of the clocks. Went back to bed, got up at 7AM and changed the rest. No problem! IOW, some things I hate to do, but changing our clocks isn't one of them. LOL
I don't mind "falling back," but "springing forward" really pisses me off. I agree that I wish they'd pick one and leave it.
I started a few yrs ago NOT changing clocks. The computer clock tells me what time it is "out there" and if I have an appt or anything I know what to do. I take some meds every 6 hrs and want to stay on that schedule. What a useless thing we still go thru every G.D. year. My body does not change, the clocks change.
Maybe so but I like to think I'm getting more. I don't like waking at 4am. I use to like the night life,lol, but not so much now.
Joy, Joy, Joy, don't you know there are Christians in this forum that know what G.D. stands for. Come on!
Since it was initialized, could not it well have been “gosh darned”? Try not to “assume” Cody because ya know what that does don’t ya? I mean, I assume that they’re going to leave the time alone someday but that assumption is probably wrong too.
I know this topic has been discussed for mega years and it's never been changed to just One Time Period in a year. To the best of my knowledge the time issue started in 1918 and we've lived with this issue forever. So bottom line I don't know which one I'd go with if I had to vote for one or the other. I know you all will have comments.