Wonderful Apple Watch!

Discussion in 'Gadgets & Tech Talk' started by Yvonne Smith, Oct 29, 2017.

  1. Kate Ellery

    Kate Ellery Supreme Member

    Dec 12, 2015
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  2. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    I don't have any extra straps, but I've bought the bevel protectors with the screen savers in them.

    I bought the 10 pak for $15 so I could have cheap ones to put on it when I work outside:


    I also bought a more expensive black one that has a better touch screen for my regular daily use.

    I bought a waterproof case/wristband assembly in case I do something really muddy and need to protect it, but Ive not used it yet:


    Regardless of which of the above I have on it, there's always a basic film screen saver on it:


    The "touch" sensitivity with the film AND the other screen savers in combo is fine. And you cannot tell that the film is on there.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2022
    Yvonne Smith and Kate Ellery like this.
  3. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    Kate--didn't you recently change your BP medication? Do you suppose the Olemsarten is causing your low pressures?
    Kate Ellery likes this.
  4. Kate Ellery

    Kate Ellery Supreme Member

    Dec 12, 2015
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    Yes …..not … only changed BP meds but dropped 3 pills as well

    It’s morning here…… I just took my bp using a new machine I bought last week mainly because my old one was 20+ years old and taking into account Hubby had 5 A fib attacks ( once ) as detected by his watch …this new machine detects any sign of a fib when taking your bp
    anyway my BP is 121/ 75 this morning on the new pill .

    This BP machine sends readings to a Omron app on my phone ……it also has a switch for different users as well as a “guest user”

    @Beth Gallagher FABC92FE-EF9E-49A6-8585-48DBA78BA1FA.jpeg
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2022
  5. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    I have to tell this [sorta] Apple Watch story...

    I went to a kidney doctor yesterday. His office is in the same area as UVA Hospital, in the heart of original Charlottesville (est 1760.) Being that old, the need has outgrown the available space. There is a central parking garage from which you walk to the hospital and the surrounding buildings. The kidney center is a couple of blocks away.

    I had a bunch of paperwork I had to fill out before arriving, so I got that done and took it with me. I parked in the garage and hoofed it downhill to the kidney center, and when I got inside I realized I did not have the paperwork with me! $(&#$(@!!!! I figured I left it in my car, so I started walking back to the garage. Mind you, it was not cold yesterday but it was in the 40s with a gusty wind. So there I am in a foul mood hoofing it back up the steep hill in the chilly wind when I get a notification on my watch: "It looks like you're exercising!!!" No, I'm not exercising, you fool! I'm an idiot who cannot keep track of things!!! I thought you were a Smart Watch!! Leave_me_be!!! I almost ripped the darned thing off and threw it under a bus.

    To add to the anger...the building is at the top of the hill, and you have your choice of taking stairs to the front of the courtyard where you're at the same level as the entrance, or you can take the sidewalks/ramps continuing uphill on either side of the courtyard.


    When I left the place to return to my car (where I was certain the papers were), I walked straight out the courtyard and down the stairs at the front. Well, the papers were not in my car. Dejected and frustrated, I again hoofed it from the garage to the building (empty-handed), this time taking my original route on the sidewalk around the right side of the courtyard. Guess what I saw laying on the sidewalk not 50 feet from the building? *sigh* I'm about as smart as that annoying watch.
  6. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Mar 6, 2018
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    Do you not dream of being Dick Tracey?
    Ken Anderson and Yvonne Smith like this.
  7. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Now if they would put one in my shoe, they might have me.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2022
  8. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Mar 6, 2018
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    Then you could be Maxwell Smart!
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 4, 2022
  9. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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  10. Kate Ellery

    Kate Ellery Supreme Member

    Dec 12, 2015
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    So is the watch still “Alive” @John Brunner
  11. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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  12. Mary Stetler

    Mary Stetler Veteran Member

    May 30, 2021
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    Just to put everyone at ease, my phone updated today. I have been avoiding it forever. First they announced the new technology was ready to download. Then they kept telling me why I would want to download. Then they told me I would not lose my data then they just kept putting it out there for me to read the contract...for 6 months.
    I don't want what they had to offer. the smiley faces were enough. I don't want weather because it uses up minutes. I don't want warnings but they warn with a sound like I have a text coming through. I don't want it syncd. I DEFINITELY don't want it telling me about exercise or anything about my health. I am happy for all those who do and have the functions. But they offered it all as if they were doing me a favor. The customer is no longer right, in any way. We are GETTING what they want to sell us whether we want it or not.
    Beth Gallagher and John Brunner like this.
  13. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    I used to read a lot of sci-fi, both novels and short stories. There was one short story set in the future where we all had quotas to consume stuff in order to keep the machinery going. You had to wear out your allotment of clothes, appliances, etc...it was a horrible burden. Those "of means" would hire the lesser folk to wear out their allotment of stuff. So in the wonderful way only sci-fi authors can envision things, you could tell the rich from the poor because the rich were openly living minimalist lifestyles as a statement of position, while the poor were burdened with consuming to excess.
    Mary Stetler likes this.
  14. Kate Ellery

    Kate Ellery Supreme Member

    Dec 12, 2015
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    While I was preparing our evening meal tonight , I got a iceberg lettuce out of fridge and hit the bottom on the breadboard to remove the core ….. Well my watch started buzzing …..it thought I’d had a fall ……..it just wouldn’t shut up … I pushed “ I’m OK “ but it continued buzzing till I touched …..”no I haven’t had a fall”

    I’ve just recently messed around with my watch settings ( on my phone) and it now seems to be more sensitive cause it hardly ever notified me if I did something similar before ,just last week I made beef schnitzels and “ tenderised” the meat myself and the watch didn’t alert me for that

    Maybe I hit to poor lettuce to hard :p I know the core came out nice… with just one hit on the breadboard
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2023
  15. Thomas Windom

    Thomas Windom Very Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2022
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    If you have Prime, you might enjoy season 1, episode 2, of “Philip K. Dick’s Electric Dreams”. That episode is titled “Autofac” and sounds like it might be the same one you’re remembering. I thought it was a pretty good epeisode.
    John Brunner likes this.

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