I posted a comment about a Virginia Democrat introducing legislation making it Felony Child Abuse for parents to not affirm their child's sexual orientation and gender identity.
I feel now that any resistance would be quickly taken out, but this has been building for a long time. We handed them our youth a long time ago when we let them introduce their agendas to our kids with Sex Ed. People don't know what all that involved. We actually in a roundabout way mixed gender's long ago when witches in boots took over our lives with radical lies to women. Then came the other victims of the white man, radical minorities and their leaders who were liberal Marxist white men. They fooled us all while promising us the American Dream they were busy putting together the American Nightmare. Joe McCarthy was right in warning us. "A Nation of sheepo will be ruled by wolves". Forgot who said it " Neither a wise man nor a brave man lays down on the tracks for the train of the future to run over him". Ayn Rand.
Modern day sex education. https://www.tiktok.com/@gingermarie...webapp=v1&item_id=7133650403757018410&lang=en
The gross abominations in the educations system and media are overwhelming the society which is not good to start with. "new" educational/other systems teaching the truth are new in time, but old in history - a few people have always, or almost always, been around telling the truth - but they are not permitted to continue for very long anyplace I know of....
But what can be done about this? One can repeat and repeat the truth but most tune this out. And the more it is tuned out the greater the abominations.
The light went on... while I was wondering what if anything to answer, I realized as others have that the system is broken, beyond repair , apparently. So what can be done? Go outside the system - like independent home schooling, and some potential other groups or avenues that are not part of the system, and who do not agree with the system, and who do not fear nor give in to the system, and who do not throw anyone into the system /which is devastating/. The only reliable, true, honest information that is tested, tried, and verifiable , is the Creator's Way in Jesus. The world rejects Jesus, so they will fight tooth and nail against anyone who stands up for the truth.
One father’s way of dealing with his daughter’s proclamation that she had decided that she was now “transgender”.
"Resistance is Futile, you will be assimilated" is no longer true. Almost everyone was already assimilated years ago, along with their willing children also. "We handed them our youth a long time ago" .... so many warnings were published, but people kept on doing this.....
I love how the woman who stormed out was all outraged about showing the pictures of "her family" that were publicly posted on Facebook for the world to see. Another hysterical liberal; if you can't win the argument then call for backup. Liberals love to be outraged.
We all know that all Christians are terrorists who want to force their outmoded moral values on the rest of us. If there is such a thing as morality it is relative to whether or not I get to use people like I want. Nihilism is almost as cool as Satanism. Try it. I deny that there are only two sexes or even that there are fifty. There is only one sex - naked. My personal pronouns are "you handsome dog" and "worshipful master". Please address me properly.
This teacher was one of the few who realized what the education system was doing to their students https://www.bitchute.com/video/XNAgWd4rzV1C/