I do make a hamburger at home sometimes The bought HB had Fresh tomato Lettuce Red onion Beef pattie Egg 4 slices of beetroot Tomato sauce The bun was toasted on the grill it was the nicest HB I’ve ever had in years ….altho we rarely eat HB. @John Brunner You will always want beetroot on a HB after trying it I always have a slice or two of beetroot with veggies and a grilled lamb chop …..dont with other meats just lamb chops I always buy fresh BR and cook / pickle myself cause the canned stuff is bland and I like a bit of spice in with my BR like cinnamon / bay leaf / pepper corns
We did a early morning walk at 6 am cause it’s going to be a real “stinker” weather wise today 40+c ( 104f) This is the beach that’s 5 min walk for us ,it has cliffs however about 1.5 Km further down it’s while sand with seaweed depending on the time of the year ……..opps photos are showing up sideways I’ll have to turn them BRB
We also walked last night so this one was taken ..LAST NIGHT at 8 pm after a stinking day The morning photos near carpark …..this is the other side of a carpark on-the clifftop …. This is the area where we got caught in a huge sudden rain storm …and had to walk up the steps that was like a waterfall with no where to shelter
Do those cliffs have fossils? I've done my share of hunting in both shale (cut through mountains) and ocean-side peat cliffs. The site of those rocks makes me want to grab my hammer and take a walk.
They are limestone @John Brunner however it’s called “ Pudding rock “ by locals cause it’s as hard as hell …and had lots of darker small rocks in most of it ….we know cause out block of land out home is on is solid rock…I’ will take a close up photo of the rocks tomorrow morning…….I’m not 100% certain but I believe it’s volcanic rock mixed with limestone, we don’t have any active volcanos ..none here This area is a bay …it’s on the Spencer gulf and is called a peninsula cause it’s shaped like a boot