opting on a systems approach to pathology much of the strategies i work with stems from... Quorum sensing across bacterial and viral domains "Quorum sensing (QS) is a process of cell-to-cell communication that bacteria use to orchestrate collective behaviors in response to changes in cell population density and species composition of the community [1]. QS relies on the production, release, and group-wide detection of and response to extracellular signaling molecules called autoinducers (AIs) [1]. Recent studies demonstrate that bacteria-infecting viruses, called phages, also employ chemical communication to regulate collective activities. Phages can encode exclusive phage QS-like systems, or they can tune into and manipulate their host bacterial QS-mediated communication pathways to optimize the timing of the lysis–lysogeny switch. These research advances suggest that phage-mediated QS signaling and phage eavesdropping on bacterial QS signaling drive bacteria–phage interactions, possibly contributing to mechanisms that shape both phage and bacterial biology [2–6]. Here, we briefly review QS in bacteria, and we summarize recent highlights in chemical communication among phages and across the bacterial and phage domains." this seems to be a more elegant approach for addressing most issues from the gastric to respiratory system, etm.
This may be true. Is it understood that those colonies of backteria do not cause disease per se, but rather they collectively gather together around damaged cells etc, i.e. like a clean-up crew perhaps ? no worries, the most educated scientists and doctors and phds are just piled higher deeper in confusion for the most part, on purpose causing more confusion daily, instead of truth. The whole of American society is "lost" in a massive quagmire of deception, deceptive lies propagated in a deceptive system of government and medicine, "all for profit". Healing is inexpensive. People want and prefer money, and they say so, instead of healing others.
lol... there is a lot to lose in order get a grasp on this perspective @Hedi Mitchell of course the current paradigm is to take an adversarial approach while instead i try to find ways to quench the signal using phytochemical "noise" or something like that. and as @Jeff Elohim indicated it's as it should be... simple and natural.
Bacteria v. bacteriophage. It would boggle our minds if we knew 1/10 of the various evolutionary adaptations that have occurred in both as they wage their never ending war.
So would the greater use of this insight be to disrupt the communication between "bad actor" bacteria and viruses in our systems? One would think that "good actor" bacteria and viruses have sufficiently evolved to do their jobs (and shall continue to be successful doing so barring any interference), so it's only the "disruptors" that need to be dealt with. As a sort-of related aside, I commented earlier that researchers recently discovered that the genus Bacillus does not consist of only 2 clades...it consists of 17!!! That is an order of magnitude on something that has been studied for quite a while. It seems that in this arena we know much less than we don't know, making tinkering around a very "iffy" thing.
Maybe a healthy immune system interrupts 'communication'? With regard to evolutionary adaptations, I am always fascinated at the vitamins and minerals we need in the proper amounts but also enzymes, that are not studied enough.
I have been surprised for many years that, as antibiotic resistance grows, more work has not been done to utilize bacteriophages in controlling infection. If Big Pharma could capitalize on it, I am sure they would develop it, but perhaps there is still money to be made in antibiotic production.
you're spot on there @Mary Stetler and on several points (linkie, linkie). hints to this information is available but mostly obscured by incorrect assumptions set within the current limits of institutional acceptance (ie: peer review.)
Do you or are you planning to produce your 'more natural' treatments to tame bacteria, viruses, spiroketes etc?
i don't think so, because i really doubt that these ideas would be acceptable to the masses without a huge shift in understanding. besides, it's really not a product per se, but more of a lifestyle. the solution(s) can already be found in nature. financial compensation would be quite difficult as i've removed myself from participation from anything involving money. acting in proxy through others make it possible but unnecessarily complicated. whatever cash i do come across is invested in microloans or just sits idle until needed. much of what i work with, can be explained through protein folding which is beyond technology's current capabilities for visual observation and is only now being simulated in silica (computer simulations using ai.) so literally "all just in my head". i've relegated myself to research and observation rather than fighting the status quo. current standards and practices will probably just perpetuate the whole pathogenic process of the correction that's already taking place. just have to see what happens, i guess.
People are just waking up to this. The vaccines proved not to be the answer and yet they will try to pump more into society. I have bazillions of books on natural healing and herbal medicines. I have used amygdalin and real Cansema without death or disfigurement from them. Look at all the herbals and supplements making insane amounts of money now. Some are just crap from China. Some brands are really good. Sadly, how are normal people supposed to know? OK, since you are in Wisconsin, when you open your health consulting office, let me know.
it would be an honor to learn about these things along with others as there's probably several ways to accomplish the same thing and besides... people have their differences. enzymes are a great place to start. i've been using papaya seeds crushed and soaked in vinegar as a spritz type of wash for a few years now to slough off the old skin and maintain the surface microbiome. it has replaced all personal detergents (soap and shampoo.) makes for a good salad dressing too! enzymes for basic maintenance yo... reminds me of one character i met on maui living in a boat parked on the side of the road. he'd slather fresh citrus all over during the hot days which he claimed was refreshing. wish i followed his example or at least tried it back then. it's been a long route to square one.
The health cost of modern society's hyper-hygiene would make for an interesting topic, but I fear that most of us have been programmed to reject anything but "squeaky-clean."
there's a point of diminishing returns... maybe we're well past that point already. it's centuries of momentum that lead us to all this misunderstanding. idk