Do We Have Any San Francisco 49er Fans On Board?

Discussion in 'Sports & Recreation' started by Lon Tanner, Oct 4, 2020.

  1. John Houlihan

    John Houlihan Very Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2022
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    Hey former 49er fans, maybe it’s time to start watching the 49ers again. They are fun to watch because of Brock Purdy, their new Cinderella QB who continues to make great plays. In yesterday’s game, the 49ers beat the raiders in a 10-point come-from-behind game to win in overtime 37-34. Brock Purdy, the Cinderella kid, continues to make history each time he plays by setting some new record.

    Minnesota lost yesterday to the Bears, so the 49ers are now the number 2 seed in the playoffs. If the 49ers win their final game on Sunday and the Eagles lose, the 49ers will become the number one seed in the playoffs. Go figure. It is getting insane!

    Looks like there is a good chance for the 49ers to get to the Super Bowl.
  2. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Mar 6, 2018
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    Sorry @John Houlihan but it was the Packers that defeated the Vikings in spectacular fashion. Don't put too much faith in a less-than-one-season quarterback. Remember Kaepernick? He did very well for one season even displacing the previous QB, then fell on his face and tried to ruin the NFL in a tantrum at his own inadequacy.
    Beth Gallagher and John Houlihan like this.
  3. John Houlihan

    John Houlihan Very Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2022
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    Hi Don, yes, you are right! It was the Packers that beat the Vikings. My bad. And yes, Kaepernick was a disappointment as have been so many other rookie quarterbacks. However, I remain optimistic on Purdy. I researched Purdy's football play in high-school, college, and with the 49ers. He sounds like he has much more character than Kaepernick ever had. Besides, all the 49er players are saying he is for real, has a high football IQ, and great poise in or out of the pocket like a veteran. It might be just team talk to give him confidence, but it sounds like they really think he is special.

    If Purdy does fail, it won't be because of lack of character or anything else from the neck up. it will probably be because defensive coaches on other teams can find serious weaknesses in his game, similar to what ended Kaepernick's sensational second year.

    The reason I like Purdy so much is that he is a lot more fun to watch that most other QBs I have seen. The playoffs should be worth watching this year. They will be Purdy's next big test. I hope he does well.
    Don Alaska likes this.
  4. John Houlihan

    John Houlihan Very Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2022
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    Don, I found something on the Internet called "Bill Parcell 7 QB Traits to look for in a prospect". It has a few things in it that I wasn't aware of and thought you might like to read why Purdy looks much more likely to succeed than Kaepernick. I know that it is too soon to evaluate Purdy's long-term potential, and he may blow up at any time in the playoffs, but there's nothing better than hope. I'm hoping that this overlooked irrelevant draft pick and the 49ers are able to win games deep into the playoffs. Incidentally, the current betting line for winning the Superbowl is as follows: Bills 22%, Chiefs 18%, Eagles 15%, and 49ers 14%. Interesting!

    Bill Parcell's 7 QB Traits.png
  5. John Houlihan

    John Houlihan Very Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2022
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    And away we go. Playoffs start today. And here is how the betting on the 2023 Superbowl is at this time. Go 49ers.

    Attached Files:

    Marie Mallery likes this.
  6. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    Hope your team wins John, since I don't care about sports unless I'm playing, have no favorite team.
    John Houlihan likes this.
  7. John Houlihan

    John Houlihan Very Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2022
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    Hi Marie, thanks. The 49ers have a chance to win it all. But what I am most interested in is how the 49ers rookie quarterback Brock Purdy is playing. It is the football underdog story of the year. Almost nobody thought he would amount to anything in the NFL. But like Cinderella, he turns out to be the belle of the ball, at least for now. I like to watch the 49ers games because Purdy is fun to watch.
    Marie Mallery likes this.
  8. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    Good for him, good to see the low man on the totem pole climb to the top, hope he keeps climbing.
    John Houlihan likes this.
  9. John Houlihan

    John Houlihan Very Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2022
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    The 49ers won their first playoff game against the Seahawks. So far, so good. There are now 8 teams left, so it is still wide open as to who will win the Super Bowl. The 49ers will play against the Cowboys on their seccond playoff game. Here are the current betting odds:

    Super Bowl odds.png
    Marie Mallery likes this.
  10. John Houlihan

    John Houlihan Very Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2022
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    Congratulations to 49ers for their win over the Cowboys.

    Wow! Adversity does not build character; it reveals it. Rookie quarterback Brock Purdy faced adversity on Sunday and it revealed his character. He did not crumble under the pressure of the best NFL defense he has faced. The rookie proved that he has the heart of a champion and has that extra something that all the great ones have. He came through in the clutch. No matter what happens next Sunday against the Eagles, Brock Purdy is the real deal and looks like he will be the franchise quarterback for the 49ers in the years ahead.

    As you probably know, Purdy was the last player drafted and dubbed Mr. Irrelevant. Nobody else except the 49ers wanted him. What did the NFL scouts miss? How could such a great quarterback be overlooked? Clearly the NFL scouts were looking only at physical attributes. The contents of the heart were ignored. The experts now discussing Purdy’s success keep talking about his incredible poise and confidence as though he were a veteran quarterback star. And his 49er teammates say the same thing. So, what is Purdy’s secret? What is the source of his great calmness and poise under pressure?

    Do you remember the movie “Chariots of Fire” about the 1924 Olympics? Do you remember Eric Liddell, the devout Scottish Christian who runs for the glory of God? Like Eric Liddell, Brock Purdy is a devout Christian. His center of gravity is Jesus Christ. He sees playing football as a way of glorifying God! I hope he plays well on Sunday.
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2023
  11. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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  12. John Houlihan

    John Houlihan Very Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2022
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    The Eagles crushed the 49ers. Beat them badly. What a bummer. The worst part was the serious injury to Brock Purdy. The best outcome is a healing time of six months and the worst is much longer. Such a find young man. Sad.

    There is only one sliver lining I can find. Since Purdy is out for six months minimum, the 49ers may be looking for another quarterback from outside. Tom Brady is now a free agent and he has always wanted to play for the 49ers. It sounds like it is more than a rumor. The 49ers may go after Brady who wants another chance win the Super Bowl. With the SF defense behind him, Tom Brady probably could win his final Super Bowl. In the meantime, Purdy could learn from Brady for a year or two. Could still be a great story for the 49ers, Brady, and Purdy. There's always hope.
    Thomas Stillhere likes this.
  13. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    A bit surprised the Bengals showed up flat and listless. I expected if anything a close game but it wasn't to be. Now since I liked both the Bengals and KC I won't be able to enjoy it as much because I also like the Eagles. I have to settle for all 3 meeting at the front.
    John Houlihan likes this.
  14. John Houlihan

    John Houlihan Very Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2022
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    Hi Thomas, after the way the Eagles manhandled the 49ers, they look like they are bone-crushing tough to beat. But then again, Mahomes is an incredible quarterback, so I think it will be a close game. Has the makings of a great Super Bowl. I hope Mahomes is 100% by then.Take care.
    Thomas Stillhere likes this.
  15. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Mar 6, 2018
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    I have never been in a city when the home team wins a championship. It is quite a party. Mahomes played hurt, but they eked it out at the end. Hopefully everyone will be healthy for the big game.

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