His name sounds like Vietnamese. Most that came to the US after the war were localized in the Pacific area due to the climate and all the fishing industries, as well they were located on the Gulf of Mexico same reasons. I get tired of seeing the same leftist news people spewing their drivel every time one of these idiots pop up. They are fighting a loosing battle because we Americans are not going to allow our constitutional rights mauled by a handful of leftist. It is the leftist who have turned these animals loose on our streets and even now allowing more to just walk in to kill us in our sleep. Once again the right to bear arms was to protect ourselves from government, not go rabbit hunting like that half wit was saying. So today we see the government attempting to declare war on us and our constitution.
Why select rich nations? Because cherry picking data allows one to make (erroneous) claims that support a particular position. When one looks at the total picture, the U.S. has a very low homicide rate despite having far more guns per capita than any other country. The U.S. is all the way to the left. There is no gun problem in this country.
He was indeed Vietnamese and 72 years of age to boot which would more than likely make him one of the refugees that came out of the war. Now, why he would pick Tet as a good time to shoot up other Asians is the question. I don’t know how it relates but it seems that Charlie and the NVA liked to do a lot of that during Tet. I may be going completely into left field but is there a possibility that he recognized someone from the North at the celebration? Ya know, someone who might have been responsible for a massacre or a relatives death.
They have some strange customs not to mention strange foodstuff. The shrimp fried rice I can handle, but the rotten eggs I pass on.
I don’t remember for sure; the Small Arms Survey appears to no longer report in that format, probably because it is immensely unpopular with liberals. However, having said that, two of the best sites for condensed information are: https://www.gunfacts.info/ https://crimeresearch.org/ The latter link is a site owned and operated by John Lott. He’s an imminently respected statistician and the left absolutely HATES him. Most will do anything to avoid debating him and instead indulge in mind-numbingly endless ad hominem attacks.
Read earlier this AM that the shooter was a dancer with his ex-wife and she complained about his dancing a lot. She said to him "you make me look bad". Apparently he had been ridiculed by other dancers, where he and his wife danced, for his dancing skills. Did he have a growing anger/hatred for Asian dancers? Since he committed suicide in his van, Investigators will have to figure out a motive, etc., etc..
Good afternoon to all- You have to wonder, when will enough be enough? In our country it is too easy for anyone to obtain a gun- or guns. Whether legally or not, people who should never be allowed to possess a gun are able to get a gun and then go to kill babies. Those who yelp about abortion being murder should also be willing to admit that killing babies walking around in their schools with guns is also murder. Gun owners' rights? How our children's rights to a life? Too many guns. Too many guns. you all be safe and keep well- Ed
There are several reports about the person accused of the school shooting. I have seen two different names, but they are saying (unconfirmed) that the shooter was a transgender female. there are pictures of this person and their social media account, but as of yet, I have not see where it has been confirmed by the Nashville Police.
Good evening to all- Doesn't matter who or what the shooter was- that person should not have had access to guns- especially rapid fire weapons and handguns- the big killers of innocent people. There are too many guns too easy for people to obtain. Fewer guns, fewer mass killings- pretty simple, actually. you all be safe and keep well- Ed
So far it is a woman who wants to be a man. Her name is Aubrey Elizabeth Hale. QAnytime something like this comes up there is a site that somehow knows more than most. I got banned from there about 10 years ago.
Photo on twitter. Nashville school shooter is a he/him transgender named Audrey Hale. Used to be Aiden Hale. DOB 3/24/95 https://t.co/WFLqy6t6TX
Mentally ill people shouldn't be allowed to have firearms, and, in all cases, there should be someone armed and able to shoot back.