The picture is a screenshot from the Twitter news video that shows this immense Chinese balloon that is now somewhere over top of Montana , from the reports today. I am wondering why our government allows the balloon to just go floating on across this country, when they could just shoot it down easily ? The AirForce has several Stratotankers flying around the same area, so the government is well aware of this balloon, and what it is doing. According to the news thread , this kind of a balloon is also capable of launching small controlled spy drones, so it can find even more information than just what the balloon itself records. There is a whole thread on this being updated on Twitter, so I am following it for new information.
With satellite camera technology, a balloon seems so 20th century. edit to add: Yet another story posted on both of my favorite forums.
I was looking at a map of the track where they expect the balloon to go as it drifts across the US, and it looks like it is going to miss Alabama. However, another map showed where we have important missile silos (at least 4 of them in Montana where the balloon is at now) , and it is entirely possible that it is tracking that kind of information. Biden is saying that we can’t shoot it down because of the danger of fallout of people underneath, and other people are wondering if it has some kind of bio weapon inside that is stopping us from shooting it down.
Another interesting question, is how do we know for sure that this balloon is Chinese ? If it is, could it be carrying and releasing viruses for another covid-type of outbreak ? The balloons are equipped to be able to launch drones that could fly lower and release active bacteria into the air. The biggest question everyone has seems to be wondering why we do not shoot it down, or somehow destroy it. An interesting possibility is that it is not actually Chinese, because America has been spying on us for the last few years with balloons, according to this article from The Guardian. I do not know if this is so, but it would explain why we are not shooting it down.
Any nation proven to be unleashing deadly viruses or chemicals requires a total Nuclear response. Use them or lose them, and I do mean our population not the nukes. It would be something those communist are stupid enough to try simply because they could walk in and take America. Don't think they aren't planning on destroying us. I shudder to think we would have someone like biden or that other half wit in training vice prezident. All sorts of scenarios are possible since the West has become a lamb to the worst humans on this planet. We keep no standing Army today, just a small blue print. Take a look at how long it took to respond to 9/11 with meaningful strength. A totally backwards country and we had no force to insert immediately. It reminds me of carter's day, he couldn't rescue our embassy staff in Iran while Iranians were still in disarray and busy killing off their own people. As per usual our government had shut down our military in the 80s so they could sell off all the valuable property by having insider control of what was to be sold. All our oldest and finest bases were shut down and wouldn't it be interesting to see who became the owners of the properties. To live today is like learning to read backwards.
The reason we don't shoot it down is that the Communist Chinese control Joe Biden and many of the Democrats and in essence control this country. We probably paid for that balloon through one of the billion-dollar covid bill scams. Soon the census will ask us all what caliber of bullet we want to be shot with. That is the radical Democrat's idea of Democracy and freedom of choice.
Shooting it down would start a conflict. North Korea is already threatening us again, just like Putin/Russia is threatening the UK.
Ho hum. We allow our borders to be violated continuously so why not our "sovereign" air space? Thanks for nothing, Biden.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy called for a meeting of the “Gang of Eight” — the top congressional leaders from both parties — saying, “China’s brazen disregard for U.S. sovereignty is a destabilizing action that must be addressed, and President Biden cannot be silent.” Meanwhile, Biden responded that most of the women in his cabinet are women. We're safe now.
Shooting it down would only cause problems for the Biden family since such an action would show he wasn't honoring his agreement with them for all the money they paid him. It wouldn't cause a conflict for the USA and it would be a first step in showing some strength. Now they have more info on our ABM silos which leaves us without any defense if they threaten to shoot warheads. We can't call their buff saying go ahead and we will blow them up before they get far out of your silos. We once had this capability but now who knows with secrets being sold by Biden and others to the Chinese for the last several years. This used to be called treason and punishable by death. Now that applies only to patriots and Republicans.
Actually we are much closer to china than anyone might think. I feel pretty sure there is a nice new nuke submarine sitting out there in the sand just waiting for something to do. It would be the US Navy firing the first volley of nuclear weapons . They are close enough the Chinese wouldn't live long enough to dance about having the first strike. I am curious as to what this last weeks launch of a secret military satellite of ours mission might be. Most people missed the news when it was mentioned it was launched.