You would have to copy and paste the previous game to play it.. kinda like Bakers Dozen... then enter your letter . Kind of like "Name 13 song titles,,," perhaps? "Song Title" that begins with the letter ? ? Then people choose a letter ,then the game starter comes and adds your letter Only if its the correct letter to the title. im sure someone will figure it out..
You put a lot of thought and effort into it @Louise Miller and @Craig Wilson . Thanks. The Baker's Dozen game is a game we play here not using any external links and software. What we can do is to think of a word and insert the letters ourselves which can then be copied by the game starter and completed. Like this: Looking for the word "Dozen": The player starting a game is , say, looking for "a set of 12 things or people" and shows the number of letters as underscores. The first answer is an o. Key player fills it in _ o _ _ _ Next player asks for another letter to be filled in which either gets added by the key player or rejected, say, an e Key player can copy the first answer and fills it in if it fits like an e here _ o _ e _ etc. The description of some words needs to be a bit more cryptic so that it's not too easy. As soon as someone knows the word they can give it.
OK, I think I understand. Thanks Thomas. Do you give hints if it seems that the game is dying because it is taking too long for someone to form the word?
The thing is too, that there are not many people here all the time, like there is at Senior Forums , lets say,,, I can only be here at 4pm and stay for only about an hour, so now i wonder ... if this is a good game to play here or not,?? ,, but on the other hand ,,if you want to give it a try ,,, then by all means give er a go,,,, !!
@Craig Wilson , none of us have the power to change the title. Only a staff member can do that. I do as a staff member (page profile) @Shirley Martin. If not I'd wouldn't have access to the necessary tools. No bad blood please. We are all friends still, yes, no?
Did you change the title? Or did @Ken Anderson , @Yvonne Smith , @Bobby Cole , @Don Alaska , or @John Brunner do it.
Didn't Craig fess up in the post before yours, @Shirley Martin? He started this thread, and his first post says "edit."