Ordered My Power Supply For My Puter

Discussion in 'Gadgets & Tech Talk' started by Thomas Stillhere, Dec 14, 2022.

  1. Hedi Mitchell

    Hedi Mitchell Supreme Member

    Mar 18, 2017
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    Just bought a Chromebook after my Windows laptop went out. I like this Chromebook better than any Windows . Looks like I changed in nick of time.
    Yvonne Smith likes this.
  2. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    Linux cannot run win software, there are a few and I mean a very few programs that run on wine but as a viable replacement for doing game building, any type of Illustrator work is not there and never will be. Microsoft does not share all the tools or programs that ship with windows. I would have moved to it a long time ago. Today systems need to be constantly updated with every update of any software, linux is 15 years behind and the few commercial programs that are available are too old. It is a great system for someone who listens to music and writes email but that is about it. I am now into my 8th day trying to get this new system running on win 10 or 11. I am going to allow it to update to 11 just to see if 11 gets a working driver first which I am sure it will. All my problems are situated right there in Redmond where the thieves have a monopoly but that is soon to change the first large lawsuit that sues for damages due to this constant crippling of people personal property. I honestly don't see how they get away with it. I wish they had broken up microsoft 20 years ago but he handed out too much money to those losers like biden and the rest of the elected thieves. Both video card makers have the same issues and the issue is simply that microsoft is forcing all the 10 and 11 systems to have the most recent updates but that is soon to change also because at some point a court will step in and put a halt to it. They have gone far beyond maintaining their operating system by screwing around with personal property of every user. They don't own your hardware and have already broken their own contracts everyone had electronically signed when installing windows any version. Today we have no one doing their job in DC and this is the primary reason this stuff is taking place. I would say there are millions of users out there doing the very same thing I am doing to try and figure out why my new stuff don't work when it worked fine before I added the latest hardware that is certified to work !!! and I know it works because it worked fine on the 3600 processor but same video card until I installed the better same hardware then it all went to hell in a handbasket.
  3. Thomas Windom

    Thomas Windom Very Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2022
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  4. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    I've already mentioned my days of dealing with just about every player in the hardware/software field back in the 80s & 90s. My buyers dealt with over 600 businesses. I recall the first "Look & Feel" lawsuits when Microsoft stole Apple's mouse/icon design/interface, and the courts sided with Microsoft. Interestingly, Xerox had first sued Apple over a similar issue.

    The early days were interesting because so many applications (mostly spreadsheets and word processing) lacked basic features (I learned hexadecimal so I could apply basic Bold, Underline and Italics to the text), so there were 3rd party software developers who sold "Add-Ons." The developers of spreadsheets and word processing software would then incorporate the features that the Add-On guys came up with. Then the Add On guys would address the shortcomings of that version, and the big boys would steal those ideas. The Add On guys eventually hit end-of-life.

    The one thing that drove folks to the IBM/Microsoft platform were (a) price, and (b) availability of 3rd party hardware and software. That being said, Gates is no geniue. My understanding is that in the early days IBM was looking for an operating system for their PC but wanted to focus on hardware. There was a 3rd party operating system that met IBM's needs (CP/M did not), and because they did not want to mess with software, they asked the fledgling Microsoft to buy it, maintain it, and lease it to IBM. So in that single deal, Gates was gifted the operating system world with a contract with the largest PC maker out there. He may be smart, but he's no genius. Timing is everything. Being lucky sure helps, too.
  5. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    You forgot to add IBM loaned the 50,000 to Gates to do the deal. There were sure a lot of stock holders very unhappy with the results of having old guys who knew nothing about the future. They were not very sharp.
    John Brunner likes this.
  6. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    It's hard to tell. They were hardware guys. Sometimes you gotta stick to your knitting. Maybe IBM would have screwed the whole thing up, and we'd all be using Macs.
    Thomas Stillhere likes this.
  7. Ed Wilson

    Ed Wilson Veteran Member

    Dec 6, 2019
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    Here's another Microsoft force. For the longest time I was using IE9 out of habit because it came with the laptop, but after I downloaded Edge, I would get redirected to Edge when I tried to open IE9. I just tried it again and it doesn't work period.
  8. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    That's interesting. One would think clicking on "IE.exe" would launch IE, not a different program. I think there was some kind of lawsuit over IE a while ago because it was embedded in the operating system, thus shutting out alternatives, right?
    Ed Wilson likes this.
  9. Ed Wilson

    Ed Wilson Veteran Member

    Dec 6, 2019
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    I don't know but I do know my default browser is set to FF and after I installed Edge, FF acted squirrely. It has since been OK though.
  10. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    FF goes through phases, I believe because of updates. I have a couple of sites that suddenly stopped working (my bank, for one) and I have to use Edge or Chrome to access my online banking. Next time FF upgrades, they'll start working again. The same thing happened with this forum. If I opened a topic or any other page in a new FF tab, I'd have to log in on it. That behaviour fixed itself after a few days.

    I don't trust any Microsoft or Google product to not track me.
    Jenna Parnellson and Ed Wilson like this.
  11. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    Every couple of weeks, I get a nagging popup to upgrade to Win 11. I just decline and it goes away. So far it has not forced an update on my Windows laptop.
  12. Von Jones

    Von Jones Supreme Member

    Jan 25, 2015
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    I hear you. I got a message that I needed to upgrade my computer to install Win11. I thought 'Why? I can't even handle Win10.' How screwed up does Microsoft want us to get?
    Thomas Stillhere likes this.
  13. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    Be very careful what you tic on, they plant the installer in the 22H2 upgrade and it does not go away but you do not have to upgrade. At this time they have bad drivers in both 10 and 11 for amd graphics cards. You can turn off any system upgrade in the registry and the group policy editor. You would still get security and other system updates. You can also turn off all driver updates. I have done all that but until they write a new driver I will not be able to use my all new machine. AMD admitted they have a problem so I think they will be getting it out very soon. They lost a lot of market share this past year due to having these same issues with poor drivers. People are going back to NVIDIA cards and drivers. I will also do that since one of my new expensive cards is dead and it had no more that 20 hours of running time. I paid about 270 dollars for the card but it's all water under the bridge now, not a thing I can do because the warranty period is over and the computer sat here on my desk along with the twin I built at the same time and just gathered dust. I had bought all identical hardware for both machines and really expected better quality. I bought 3 of those cards identical so it was near 900 dollars for those 3 cards. I'm not batting 500 in the computer profession.
  14. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    The past few days I learned to put my browser installers like firefox and chrome on a usb stick so win10 and 11 can't block my install of a decent browser, they actually are blocking your downloading of firefox for sure. Soon as they get installed I stuff that edge shortcut into the garbage can and turn it off in the system. I don't like all that interruption and bloated pages when I use a browser it is so aggravating but you see they get paid by these large companies to run all that advertising. It has forced me to learn all the registry hacks and policies changes, I also have a normal UI I install first off because that must be the worst interface for a computer I have ever seen. They do it on purpose thinking it will deter people from turning all the crap off. I think all of it is nothing but bloatware and spyware.
  15. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    This particular motherboard is about 8 years old and I was turning on Amazon Music Unlimited and selected a music selection and instantly got a blue screen. It restarted on it's own and didn't even ask for a disc check so what ever it was that caused it was not serious. I checked my power supply filter at the bottom of the computer and it was totally covered with lint and cat hair. Cleaned it and slide it back in. So far it is still kicking out the Jams. I think tomorrow I will do a dust removal and cleanup of the entire machine because it is so dusty here where I live. It is a good case but does 0 to reduce dust intake. Power Supply is making a lot of noise now for quite some time. I have a new power supply and also another motherboard same as this one running now. For a long time I had both online but lost two USB outputs on that other board due to a mouse chewing the insulation off of my external hard drive power cord and it fell down across the plug of my power strip that was not fully pushed into the outlet. Zap and that was it, other than loosing those two USB ports everything was normal and I continued using it until I had time to swap to this board which happens to be the minimum hour board compared to that other working one.

    Very hard to find out what may have caused the blue screen but I won't worry about it. I have already built the replacement computer for it and I plan on resetting the hardware check in the registry to force it to recheck like it was a new system install. There are two settings to reset and all you have to do is slide it into a new machine and boot it up, it will look at all the hardware and should run good out of the box. I would put the screen resolution to a default value and uninstall the graphics drivers first. It should install a new driver until I reinstall the latest driver again. I don't think I would keep the audio card installed either because it would cause trouble with drivers also.

    I was really hoping to leave this machine exactly like it is in this Case and not do any moving. I can workgroup it and share already so as long at it boots and runs I have access to everything I need. I honestly am waiting for this monitor to die since it is now 15 years old and still looks as good as it did 15 years ago. It might have been a monitor issue but time will tell.

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