This has always been one of my favorites and featured in a few movies as well. It is difficult not to like it no matter who sings it! Makes me feel alive!
Val, what a sad tune . I want to say more, but it really knocked me out. If I were a druggie, I'd make a dash for some uppers!
Ralph McTell featured on a BBC4 programme about 'one-hit wonders' recently. Streets of London must have been about the biggest one-hit wonder ever. The strange thing is that it's actually about Paris rather than London, but he changed the title!
Keeping in tune (PUN) with the recent sad songs on this post, here is one that I love singing at karaoke clubs! And it is always well received because most of my audience do not speak English! No rocks come flying but an occasional drink!
My dear friend Joe. And I thought we were getting along so well. I even thought we might be great friends, but now I find that you know all of the words to that dreaded song. The next, I am sure, will be the Gilligan's Island song. Instead of avoiding your onslaught of obvious mental debauchery and brutality, I shall pray for you. Dear God in Heaven, Joe needs a lot of help.....Amen.
My post was meant to serve as a guide...a sort of LPS (Lyrical Positional System) to help us wade through the flood of high-speed words. I am grateful for your prayer, Skipper!
Although I only change the flowers and light incense on certain days, I did my ritual a few minutes to add to your prayer!
LOL, That's funny, Val, actually I was referring to my Buddhist Altar! Now back in the 60's I probably spent more money on incense and related "stuff" then food!