Jake has to have a tooth pulled that broke off at the gum, last filling was too deep. His BP shoots up dangerously high at dentist. Dr uesterday told him to double up on Amalopine. Why not give him two BP meds instead of raises does on one? Family and friends all take 2 different meds ,talked to friend this morning she said her and her spouse, family take two, she and hubby takes Amalopine and Larsartin. Can't get emergency appt with oral surgeon so went to UF clinic, oral surgeon said double up on Almalopine to 10mg. Knowing Jake is super paranoid of dentist why did oral surgeon tell him every horror story of things that can go wrong?
If you go to an oral surgeon to have it done, they should be able use general anesthetic to put him to sleep. My last extraction, I was given a choice. The difference in cost would be to pay for the anesthesiologist since the procedure is otherwise the same.
The surgeon at the university is an oral surgeon, who told him to go to doctor and see what they can do to get it down, Oral surgeon said it is above 180-110 they can't extract. Nothing makes sense anymore. I know oral surgeons can write prescriptions for HP ,also doctor should try two meds, like other doctors use. Thank you for reply Thomas.
Go to a different dentist. Their policy may be different and it may not even need a dental "surgeon". My last tooth pulled was done by a dentist and it had broken off as well without much to grab on to but she did it.
Thank you for help,but a dentist is out of the question they won't even consider pulling it. It is deep into the sinus cavity. not to mention his BP dentist told him if things go wrong they can go in a hurry and he could bleed out.
I have to wonder what a "dentist" does anymore. When my husband goes to his dentist, the assistant cleans his teeth and takes x-rays, then he is "referred" to an oral surgeon for any actual procedures. I go for teeth cleaning once a year and the dentist pops his head in to look in my mouth for about 20 seconds. Marie, I recommended to Jake on his other thread that he ask his PCP for an anxiety medication. I took Altivan when I was in cancer treatment and it helped me A LOT with my anxiety as well as blood pressure and racing pulse. I would only take it for the day of treatment.
Beth, I think your correct about this,I know they use to give him a 5mg valium to take. Didn't seem to be enough, is anxiety med the same or is it different?
Marie--I don't know much about anxiety medication so I'm not the one to ask. I just know that the Altivan helped me immensely when I had anxiety off the charts. I do know that doctors are stingy with those prescriptions, though. Mine were prescribed but never with a refill... I had to get a new Rx each time I needed the pills.
Beth I looked it up and they are both the same but the one you mentioned is suppose to work best for anxiety. Will ask for it tomorrow.
I’m lucky. I have a really good one, does most things himself unless it’s a really involved root canal or extraction. My last root canal was the first one he passed on to someone else. He’s done multiple caps, bridges, etc. for me. Funny guy too. Always cracking me up when I have a mouth full of dental gear.
I agree with @Beth Gallagher about the anxiety medication. I had to have one of those MRI things where they lie you flat on your back and put you in the long tube thingamajig . I can’t breathe good lying flat and I was panicking because I thought I was going to asphyxiate , plus I have huge claustrophobia, so when they tried to put me in that thing, I was gasping and totally lost it in my absolute panic. They needed the procedure, and I was just not able to do it; so they sent me home with a prescription for some kind of an anxiety prescription. The next day, I was back, completely GOOFY from the medication (Robin was laughing at me the whole time) but I was able to have the procedure done and not panic a bit. Pretty sure she has videos of me somewhere, in secret, from that day.
I had the same problem, Yvonne. I get sinus drainage in those things and feel like I'm being waterboarded. I mentioned it last time I had one, and the guy said "Would you like a pillow?" It fixed me right up.
I had to have a bridge, and 4 capps removed last year so I just decided to pull all top teeth. One peforated my sinus cavity, most of my face and neck tuned black and dark blue. Oral surgeon pulled all of them, he let me decide how many if more than one. He'd say I'm done and I'd say get another one, because I so much wanted the grinding, intense cracking and pulling to end soon as possible. Jake sat there and watched it all. I think Jake had a charmed life I've had to put my intestines back inside my navel to private area incision after C=section when I lived with SOS aka son of satan who I had 3 kjids with, knock the bones back into place and set broken toes. So a tooth extraction wasn't so bad. But it can be very dangerous with high BP so I do worry and will be there with him.
I have the sane issue with dentists @Marie Mallery I’m sure my BP is over 200 when I go to one , however in the last 12.months we’ve been seeing a dentist near home and he’s so good my BP behaves itself ….. My neighbour has lung cancer and has recently had a bucket load of tests to find out if he had the cancer anywhere else, no he hasn’t …… ( he’s pretty lucky they found it in time ) anyway he takes a bucket load of Valium to have X-rays / cat scans . I can’t advise on Valium or any sedation meds either cause I’ve never taken any