It makes sense in that the emotions feel good, but then some anxiety spoils the experience you are having, so you put them under wraps and your mind wakes you up
I don't remember my dreams being black and white, but sometimes I will have a particularly vivid dream that is definitely in color. I had bright green and purple in my dream the other night. I don't recall much of the dream, but part of it was about the death of a celebrity (not one who has passed, either), which I found disconcerting. It's not as if I follow news of celebrities, so it was odd to dream about that subject matter. Somehow it related to the main part of my dream, which I no longer remember.
Colors, vivid at that, beyond a doubt. I hate to admit what the "superior thinkers" say about explaining that. Frank
Without doubt, I always dream in Colour...complete colour, not 2 colours... or black and white, but in technicolour
I too dream in color all the time ever since I was a young girl I dream in color. I don't know why I just do dream in color and never had a dream in black and white at all.
Color. Wasn't sure until last week. One night I dreamed about a pink cat. (The question wasn't about whether the colors made sense or not.)
Like Nancy Hart, I sometimes am not sure or remembering if I have dreamt in color. Those times that I do, it seems to be that I see the colors of clothes that people in my dreams are wearing, like last night my dream that I only remember a small part of, two people specifically in my dreaming were wearing sort of a peri-winkle blue. Now the interesting thing for me, is that Peri-winkle blue is a very favorite color of mine along with a couple others, so, I also am curious a bit if this transitioned to my dream and what the two people were wearing and why...
In the globe, there are millions of hues, and every color has its own beauty and charm. I enjoy the color white strangely, and occasionally I like colors.
If I could direct my dreams I'd probably cause all kinds of trouble. But I'm pretty sure I only dream in color. The colors can be quite muted sometimes and the details and edges of things often seem to have a "soft focus" like peripheral vision. Most dreams fade quickly or are even unknown upon awakening. Others remain clear though details fade away hour by hour so maybe they only "write" to short-term memory?