Lots of good comments here. I knew we wouldn't get everything we wanted. I don't know how bad this is yet but I guess I'll go listen to what the talking heads have to say about it.
Mostly saying the The Fed is insolvent ($1.5 trillion upside-down), that the economy actually does better (not worse) when there are Federal shutdowns, that the Federal government is sucking money out of the private sector thus starving the private sector of capital. You know, another day in Washington.
Good heavens. No wonder it takes Congress so much time to read new bills. I read a bit of it, and I can't make heads nor tails of it.
That garbage is all written by aides. THEY are the ones that run everything. The unreadability intentionally shuts out The Common Man and keeps the demand for lawyers high.
I have been hearing/reading about a Social Security benefit increase in the amount of $200/month. Most of that info is coming from Youtube videos. However, the producers of those videos are terribly vague about when and who gets that amount. Does anyone have any info on this alleged increase ?
The only stuff I've read say to expect a lower increase next year than we got this year. But all this stuff is not even informed opinion...it's rumor mongering to garner attention. If the current administration ever implemented a raise like that, it would only be to accelerate the demise of the program so they could escalate the move to take over yet another facet of everyone's lives.
Yes, I'm sure you are right. I've begun to suspect that all of those youtube videos which are headlined about a $200/month increase in SS payments are nothing but click bait.
As I understand the SS increase that is being discussed it is the COLA for 2024. It will be less than the COLA for 2023 because it is tied to Biden's rate of inflation which is currently down from the rate in 2022. The inflation rate is down but the prices are still up. If that's not what is being discussed someone clue me in. It's interesting to me that the debt ceiling agreement has drawn such widely divergent opinions among Republicans. Gingrich thinks it's wonderful and the best thing ever. The Freedom Caucus is in full rebellion and some say they will not vote for it. One interesting note is the pipeline in West Virginia. Some may remember that Manchin through the GOP under the bus because Schumer promised him approval for that pipeline. Not the GOP has gotten it included in the debt ceiling bill. Did we just buy Manchin's vote again? I think so.
Social Security payments are increased annually, if at all. The rate isn't known yet because as Vada said, it is tied to the rate of inflation. It's typically announced in November or thereabouts.
When you see a youtube video with an eye-catching title, look to see who is putting out the video. Many of these videos come from third world country, and they copy a video from someone else and then retitle it to sound official. One video that @Denise Evans was watching puzzled her because at the end of the video, there was car racing (or something similar) and she could not figure out why it was there because she thought it was from Fox News. When we looked up the page of the guy making the video, he also had some with the car racing stuff, and was from China or Japan or somewhere , not in the US, and was just making the videos to earn money. See how it works in this thread: http://www.seniorsonly.club/threads/fox-news-via-youtube-videos.22430/#post-668332
They have paid readers on our dime, we just never hear about the people who actually do the work and not the talking.
The worse part is there are interpreters of unknown motives between our Congress critters and the actual text of the bills they vote on but never actually read. A big chunk of the time they vote without there even being an interpretation given them.
Here is an explanation of the debt ceiling bill that the Republicans proposed (Limit, Save, Grow), and the final proposal plan that is now being approved. It explains what has been added or left out and changed from the original Republican plan. This was posted on Twitter by Chip Roy.
None of these people in congress care about the border, they actually love the idea of handing out our SS to foreigners and then have the nerve to tell us we have no SS. The way I understand SS is that the money belongs to each of us that paid the required amount, it was the same as placing money into savings, and a very poor savings at that. Now how do they get away with using our money which they have over the years and not replace it. I've been listening to this same song for over 50 years,, SS is running out, all the while they were spending it left and right when it should have been illegal to touch it. It is unacceptable to see this half wit handing out the millions to illegals every single day. Why even have an immigration department if they can't follow our laws, especially when it comes to illegal unfunded pay outs of cash and material by people who definitely have plans for those new socialist. Everyone in the southern hemisphere is a socialist simply because not one has ever had a free country or an election. Sounds like we've joined them and handed over the keys to the vault.
Inflation is down because they take most food and energy out of the calculation form what I am told to save the government money on SS and pensions/retirement benefits so they can send it to Ukraine and Taiwan.