If you could provide a link to that Amazon one you liked, it would help tell us what you're looking for. Have you tried a general web search for that Rubbermaid Model Number? You might be able to order it from Walmart, Kohls, etc.
I used to drink a lot of grapefruit juice (Tropicana is the best), but I've never done fresh. I've used one of these for years for lemons/limes and oranges: I still have a couple of these hanging around, but I never use them:
That bottom one.Where did you get that Mr.Brunner,tha⅝t's very much like the Rubermaid one I'm looking for.
Here are some links to a few in Amazon, Julia: This one is just like that pic I posted. It's $20. The links below are cheaper. Here are a few more: https://www.amazon.com/Hotsyang-5-L...18-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9tdGY&psc=1 https://www.amazon.com/Squeezer-Mea...keywords=manual+juicer&qid=1686433220&sr=8-13 https://www.amazon.com/Vanleonet-Sq...?keywords=manual+juicer&qid=1686433220&sr=8-4 https://www.amazon.com/ChefVille-Mu...?keywords=manual+juicer&qid=1686433220&sr=8-5 Walmart stocks a Kitchen Aid model. Availability seems to be spotty. Click here and change the store to your local one to see if they have it. It's only $10, and has a silicone bead around the bottom so it won't slip. Walmart also has their house brand (Mainstays) for under $6. Click here, change to your local store.
My granite-ware water bath canner is developing rust spots, so I bought a new stainless steel 23 qt water bath canner. It has a lid with a gauge in the knob to tell when the water is boiling. Well, duh. First of all I'm 5'2" tall so I can't see the top of the pot when it's on the stove. Secondly, the lid is glass so why does anyone need a gauge when you can see the damn water?? Anyway, it's a great pot and a real step up from the older one. I also bought some new Tupperware!!! OMG, there are new colors that are the "vintage" style, so I have bought a bunch and will be putting my old Rubbermaid stuff in the donation pile. They are available on Amazon. Look how cute these are, and still MADE IN THE USA...
That was my exact reaction. I bought a couple of pieces to see the quality and then sprung for the big set. I'm such a sucker.
I've probably mentioned elsewhere here that I'm sticking with the Rubbermaid containers. Excluding the tiny ones, the other containers store in 2 stacks, because there are medium diameter containers and large diameter containers that nest within each other. The medium diameters come in 2 different depths (volumes), and the large diameters come in 3 different depths (volumes.) Unlike Tupperware, there are only 2 sizes of lids. The medium lids lock together in a neat stack for uncluttered storage, as do the large lids. And you can see the food through the containers. The only downside to these is if you use them a lot, the lids have a tendency to split right where you put your thumb for leverage when you take them off. It's bad design and tough to avoid doing. After 7-8 years of really heavy use, I only had a few intact lids left. When I found out you cannot buy replacement lids, I swore "Never again, Rubbermaid!" But after looking at alternatives, I bought a replacement set of these because they store so neatly, and grabbing the right lid is a no-hassle event.
I recently bought some just like the big ones you pictured. Mostly because they were Rubbermaid. Agree, they are pretty flimsy. Not just the lids. But it's hard to find any that are not.
This butter knife ad just hit my Inbox: It shaves cold butter so it spreads easily. $11 on Amazon. The description says "With the additional Cheese Cutter for those rainy cheese on toast days!" That alone is worth the money!
Here's another "How did I live without it?" gadget Yahoo apparently thinks I must buy: Instead of your hot dog splitting when you cook it, the Slotdog lets it plump and opens up all those crevices for toppings to take hold. 4.3 Stars with nearly 4,000 Reviews. What will they think of next??? And it's only $19.99! I love capitalism...even more than I love hot dogs.
My son says it is the explosion of the flea eggs on the rat hairs in the hot dog that makes it plump up.
He, uh, needs to stay away from Food Sales as a career. Now I'm thinking of all those raw hot dogs I ate as a kid. Hopefully the nitrates killed off the worse of it.