January 6th, 2021

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Denise Evans, Nov 11, 2021.

  1. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Sadly, he's only watched the parts they wanted him to see.
  2. Richard Whiting

    Richard Whiting Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2022
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    Thomas. Thomas Thomas. I never said OR suggested that every single protester committed acts of violence. For every one of these "non-violent" films you can come up with, there are dozens and dozens of other films that clearly show rioters breaking windows and forcing their way into the capitol building. AND other films that show capitol police beating beaten bloody

    It is not I who is lacking in information about the JAN, 6th RIOTS. All of us know quite well that what happened that day was called a RIOT for a reason.
    If you want to be fair, post some of those films which show the hundreds, and hundreds of people who were violent.

    Legal definition of RIOT:
    "A RIOT is a public disturbance where 3 or more people behave in a violent and uncontrolled manner.
    A RIOT has the following characteristics: made in the furtherance of an expressed common purpose: through the use of or threat of violence. disorder, or terror to the public"

    Anarchy reigned that day. Sorry, Thomas, but there is no way around it.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2023
  3. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    And, those dozens and dozens of films are nothing but double and triple copies of the same videos.

    May God bless ya Richard but you really have to stop insulting the intelligence of everyone here by the overwhelming administration of your own ignorance.
    At this point, you’re not just giving your own opinion but you’re aping someone else’s socialistic left wing talking points.

    Just for thought, do you really think that even the Proud Boys were so stupid that they thought they could take over a fully armed Capitol Building with pepper spray? Most of those guys are x military and would know better than to go to a gun fight with a club.

    A second thought and a probability:
    You did NOT read the reasons I gave in an earlier post as to why Trump WOULD NOT want a violent demonstration.
    Thus far, every iota of information you have produced was reported by CNN and CNBC and repeated by The View, all of which have an extreme left wing agenda.

    Just a question: Have you ever served in the U.S. Military?
    Don Alaska and Chris Ladewig like this.
  4. Richard Whiting

    Richard Whiting Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2022
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    Bobby, The dozens of films are not just double and triple copies of the same videos. There are many DIFFERENT films of rioting outside the capitol building AND dozens of films of rioting taken INSIDE the capitol building.

    Do I think the Proud Boys were/are stupid . No idea of how intelligent they are. BUT, I know they have no problem with violence. Ask yourself one question. Why would they bring pepper spray to a protest if their intentions were peaceful ?

    You can post all you wish, BUT you will never get me to agree with OR support the Proud Boys or Oath Keepers. Sorry, but I don't support felons.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2023
  5. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    I’ll be the second one here who is finished with ya.

    You’ve never been in the military so would know nothing about military tactics and whatever the oath keepers and the proud boys MIGHT have done wasn’t in any training manual the military ever put out. If they really wanted to create a state of anarchy, they had the training to do it but they didn’t.

    Second. Ignorance is simply having little or no knowledge. It isn’t an insult but merely, in this case a well reasoned observation that you are allowing yourself the pleasure of being ignorant whilst living in a totally different country.

    I mean, why are you even concerned about what happens here in the States? Oh yeah, your SS check. The one you thought the Republicans were going to take away from you. Verdad?

    Lastly, all I really believe is happening is that you’re lonely and have nothing better to do than to spout a bunch of malarkey about something you know absolutely nothing about just for attention.
    It’s called Trolling and i have to give ya credit….you’re good at it!

    No mas……..adios!
    Ken Anderson and Chris Ladewig like this.
  6. Richard Whiting

    Richard Whiting Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2022
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    It is unlikely that anyone one will believe me , BUT I'd feel the very same way if things were turned around and it was a group of ultra-liberals who were rioting and smashed the way into the capiol building and who had stopped the electoral vote count.
    Beth Gallagher likes this.
  7. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    A few select clips shown over and over again for the consumption of those who were willing to consume it.
    Bobby Cole likes this.
  8. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    You wouldn't because the leftwing media would report it as a peaceful protest and you'd swallow it.
    Bobby Cole likes this.
  9. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I believe that you would believe that it happened, if the television news told you that there was a riot and it was done by liberals, Trump supporters, or whatever, and that nothing that any of us would say, or show you proof of, would change your mind in any way, @Richard Whiting .

    Obviously, we went through over 13 pages of this same thing, when you were panicked that the June Social Security was not going to be sent out, and nothing that anyone showed you made any difference because your mind was fixed in cement, and you would not listen to any other thought or opinion, or even facts.
    Eventually, you came across some of the same information that we told you, and THEN you believed it, after you found it.

    This is the same thing. As long as you want to keep wearing blinders and your brain cemented with the same ideas, you will never, ever believe anything else but the television, and we are wasting our time trying to help you.
  10. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    I just gotta do this:
    THE COUNT WASN’T STOPPED……THE DEBATE WAS!! The debate that would have probably ended with Trump as the President!!!!!
    The count had already stopped and Congress was in the middle of a two hour long debate!!!!

    The Conservatives had every reason to want the debate to continue. Only the Democrats benefitted from stopping the debate and as you see, Biden became the Head Puppet in the White House because of it.

    By the bye…..I and a few million other men and women are OATH KEEPERS. We took an oath when we raised our hand to serve the United States of America as military men and women and that oath have never been rescinded.
    And…..I am indeed a Proud Boy. Unlike you, I am proud to have served and proud to live in the country that I served.

    Don Alaska and Yvonne Smith like this.
  11. Richard Whiting

    Richard Whiting Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2022
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    I don't know what to say in reply except I have a tendency to believe films of events. Example: I saw film of that cop as he was killing George Floyd. I believe that cop killed George Floyd. When that cop was found guilty, it reinforced my belief. .

    I saw films of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade center. I believe the planes did, in fact, bring down the twin towers. There are people who believe the opposite. Willie Nelson for one, who stated that George W. Bush had arranged the bombing.

    Re: the June SS check. I wanted to believe what people were saying. Truly, I did. However, I was worried that people who said it would arrive on time was an opinion only, but it was not official. You are correct . I was panicked. The thought that I might not get my SS check on time was freaking me out. Eventually, SS responded to me and confirmed that you folks were right all the time.

    I have looked and looked at the Jan 6th films . I have read and reread, numerous articles about it. i do agree that some of it could have been biased. There is no doubt in my mind that one heck of a lot of the mainstream media IS biased. Perhaps even most of it. BUT, all of it ?

    The thing that has frustrated me the most is that people support the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers AND they keep saying that it was peaceful, in spite of the fact that we all saw the same films of violence.

    I fail to understand why people don't respect my opinion re: Jan 6th. Don't I have a right to an opinion ?
    Beth Gallagher likes this.
  12. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Of course, the problem there is that the liberal media wouldn't report it as a riot if liberals did it. As they have many times, even when buildings were burned and police cars overturned and burned, they would report it as a peaceful or a mostly peaceful protest, and you'd accept that.

    You've looked and looked at the few excerpts that they wanted you to see. There's a reason why the Democrats are not allowing the release of the bulk of the film that was taken that day, but you're not even curious about that. There's a reason why Fox (which is not a conservative network) wouldn't permit Tucker Carlson to show the remainder of the film from that day that he did have, but you're not curious about that either. Although many of them are indeed crazy, there are true conspiracies going on but you won't consider them until the conspirators want you to. That is known as willful ignorance.

    I believe many conspiracy theories are probably true, but I don't argue them. I argue the ones that I know to be true. The truth is available, but you're not going to get it from the conspirators.

    This isn't anything new to American politics. I was involved in the antiwar protests in the 1960s and early 1970s. We all knew that the people who were trying to persuade protesters to hurt people, destroy property, or do other things that would likely turn people against the protesters, were police or federal agents, and we were right. That was later admitted. Of course, genuine antiwar protesters were recruited into participating in some of these actions because, even when they seem to be on your side, a lot of people aren't bright enough to recognize when they're being had.

    Even when it came to the less destructive acts, such as berating returning soldiers, I had always suspected were promoted by government agents. That was clearly not a tactic designed to gain support for the cause.

    People who believe everything they hear or read on the Internet are fools, but anyone who doesn't believe that there are genuine conspiracies going on around us is choosing to be blissfully ignorant. It might be easier but it cannot be properly defined as truth. There is nothing to be learned from the blissfully ignorant.

    "There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true." -- Soren Kierkegaard
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2023
    Yvonne Smith likes this.
  13. Richard Whiting

    Richard Whiting Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2022
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    I recall seeing film of the riots in South Central L.A. It was reported live and if I recall correctly, the liberal media DID call it a riot. To my recollection, the media NEVER called it peaceful or mostly peaceful. I recall specially seeing a truck driver being pulled fro his cab and was severely beaten and had a brick thrown into his head. All of that i saw on the liberal media.

    I have looked at every excerpt that i could get my hands on. I AM CURIOUS in spite of what you say. AND , yes, I do believe there are gov't conspiracies. Though it is often years before they come to light. Viet Nam as a prime example. However, I do not believe that the left organized the Jan 6th protest. That was the work of the ultra right.

    If you have it, I'd be interested in seeing/reading some film/article that demonstrates that there was no violence on Jan 6th.

    PS: I am by nature, middle of the road. I support some of the Republican ideas and some of the Democrat ideas.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2023
    Nancy Hart and Beth Gallagher like this.
  14. Richard Whiting

    Richard Whiting Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2022
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    I'd like to explain something. I strongly believe that the people have an absolute right to protest/demonstrate. I believe that there are NUMEROUS issues that need to be made public. However, when that protest becomes out of control and desends into violence, THAT is where I draw the line.

    Do i think that the people had every right to march PEACEFULLY to the Capitol Building ? Yes, of course. Do i think they had a right to use violence in further expression of their views ? NO !

    Please tell me what is so wrong with that ?

    I have been insulted numerous times simply because I object to violence as an expression of disatisfaction except in the most dire of circumstances. I have not tried to insult anyone.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2023
    Nancy Hart and Beth Gallagher like this.
  15. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    But... people are "milling about!!!!" :eek::eek::eek: The horror.

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