Odds And Ends

Discussion in 'Personal Diaries' started by Faye Fox, Jan 23, 2023.

  1. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    I slept great and woke with only a mild backache.
    I carefully did my early AM patio workout and now
    out to finish the project at hand. The morning sun
    feels great on my biceps and calves. I hope to get
    a bit of tan on them today. Old girl power rules!

    That is until we hurt ourselves and whine on SOC :D

    Edited at10:50 AM The back is complete and the front is
    started with the hard part complete. I best get back at it
    before it gets any hotter. Stepping up and down the ladder
    is giving me a better workout than any stair stepping ,machine.:oops:

    24172840NNCAPcd3.jpg FF calves 242.jpg
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2023
    Don Alaska and Thomas Windom like this.
  2. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    I got the job all completed yesterday and it came out as I had hoped. I am a bit sore this morning, but worked most of it out during my patio workout. I slept fairly well and while I could list a few complaints, I won't because my attitude is exemplary so far today. I choose to focus on my new resolve to hire out the jobs that I shouldn't be doing for documented health reasons.

    I am enjoying my patio gardening and so anxious to eat the first tomato. They look great and will be of a nice size. I can't believe how the vastly changing temperature here this spring and now summer, has slowed the ripening process. Most years if tomatoes grow to fast, they split. I think my having these potted beauties in the shade, in the hot afternoons, is paying off. A slower ripening tomato should have more flavor.

    So far today, no plans other than to get in a long walk. I need to get my booty moving soon because a hot day is predicted. I plan to take the long rural walk that has a road that crosses a field and warm temperature bring out the big bull snakes that across the road for a gopher snack. I don't like seeing snakes of any kind, even beneficial ones like these rodent assassins. Seeing a big one that has a big lump where they swallowed a gopher whole, is not my favorite sight.

    Only once have I seen a rattler on it and that has my eyes peeled keener and my reflexes ready. Being deaf in one ear, I try to map my walks so my good ear is turned to the road side where they cross from their nightly abode.

    So that is it for here this morning. I decided not to share the Ringtone photo from this morning at dawn when I went out to pick up a package left by UPS that was running way late and after I was in bed and asleep. I was still wearing my two piece workout outfit.

    Ringtone sweet woman's voice: "Hi, you are currently being recorded."

    Faye turns around. bends over, and slaps her butt cheek. "Record that bitch!"
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2023
  3. Mary Stetler

    Mary Stetler Veteran Member

    May 30, 2021
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    You are definitely an inspiration, a bitchin' one, Faye. I have always had great looking ankles and calves But my thighs are getting flabby. and my biceps are getting a little smaller. I am still doing what I can and not eating when I do it.:rolleyes:
    Faye Fox likes this.
  4. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    What is a "Ringtone photo?" o_O
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  5. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    I have no idea hahaha! I meant a photo taken from a Ring video. I have no idea how to do it, but I know you do. Probably best I never know since I have trouble acting my age hahaha!
    Beth Gallagher likes this.
  6. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    @Faye Fox -- I was happy to read that you got a good report from the doctor last week. Hope you are feeling better these days.
    Faye Fox likes this.
  7. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    A limited good report at best. They eliminated anemia and my lungs sounded good, but the esophagus issues are still not good. It may be something else I have to learn to live with as long as it doesn't go cancer on me. I know, you know about learning to live with issues. I am feeling about the same with a few good days and a few less bad ones. Many thanks for asking.
  8. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    I used to have a lot of issues with my esophagus due to acid reflux. Then I started taking Prylosec (and later, the generic brands) and it was like a miracle for me. No more reflux... ZERO. So now people are claiming that taking Prylosec for an extended time can cause dementia, etc. All I know is, it was a miracle for me and I've been taking it for over 15 years. I figure that my chances of esophageal cancer from reflux trumps a slight increase in dementia risk, which I'm not sure I believe anyhow.
    Faye Fox likes this.
  9. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    I am not so lucky. They have tried 3 different anti acid meds to no avail. There is one more they may try depending on the outcome of the scope procedure. I have had an over acid system since birth and every attempt to change it has failed. I would still have teeth if not for the acid destroying them. I am amazed that I am still alive.
    Beth Gallagher likes this.
  10. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    That sounds awful. I have a small hiatal hernia at the top of my stomach, so I am prone to reflux. The PPIs (proton pump inhibitors) work best for me; I can drink anti-acids all day and they don't help at all. Anyway, I hope they can figure out something to help you. Is the scope scheduled yet?
    Faye Fox likes this.
  11. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    I was on a light dose of omeprazole for 3 years and then a heavy dose of pantoprazole for 1 month. I couldn't tolerate the pantoprazole anymore. I guess those are PPI's and the Pepto Bismol is an antiacid. I also have a hiatal hernia plus an old ulcer plus the esophagus erosion. They will find something that works in time. The problem is that many meds bother my other problems like glaucoma and trigeminal neuralgia. The scope isn't scheduled yet.
    Beth Gallagher likes this.

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