Beth, snip off the tips? Stop coming up with simple and smart solutions. It makes me think you don't know your place. You should let men run the world as usual. Oh, wait, maybe not.....
I'm getting three kinds. One is a varigated green I haven't found in the online bird I.D. sites and he doesn't hang around long enough for me to get a picture. They are amazing.
Thank you, Beth. This is a domestic (I think) that got into the act around my mailbox. I don't it's name either. Is it 'I-ther' or 'EE-ther'?
I say "ee-ther." That's a lily, definitely domestic. @Yvonne Smith posted her beautiful Stargazer Lillies a few days ago... CLICK HERE!!
It's normal for me to only sleep around 3 hours but what are you doing up so late? Guilty conscience?
Who can ID this plant? Hints: It grows in wet places and seen just about everywhere it is wet. It is considered a weed and invasive in most areas. Some places it came in with hurricanes, y'all. Here is a photo taken this morning by yours truly, a "nutty" old lady, as she sashayed along an irrigation ditch on her rural walk.
I call it nut grass because of the time one summer I spent with a nutty Texas great aunt on her backwoods farm/ranch. I have never forgot her silly country poetry she used to educate, rather than lengthy dialog and boring commentary. Nuts and Johnson grass It grows higher than And chaps the farmer ass