It is sort of like summer here. the mornings are nice and cool. It starts getting hot at 10am. Starts getting nice again around 7 except for the bugs. Surprisingly the deer flies are not so bad. The black flies were bad, the chiggers are awful. I think I saw some mosquitoes. I have a dead end, borrow pond and I put gold fish in it for a guy who was emptying out his decorative pond for winter a couple of years ago who was sad to just kill them. Last year my daughter said she saw them around the edge of the pond. we have minnows and polywogs there too for them. They should be about big enough to eat by now. We used to put gold fish in the horse troughs to eat mosquito larvae. Not so many lightning bugs this year. We have not had enough rain, maybe that is why. But had enough to bring everything back to life last week.
We had storms yesterday. Probably from the same system that hit @John Brunner 's place. There are trees down in town but we never lost power. Lightning struck the transformer in my niece's yard and damaged their heat pump and three other things. Her hubby is handy with repairs so he fixed everything but the heat pump. They had to call a repair service for that. It was something minor, fortunately.
Two days in a row now without rain. I think that is about the most rain-free days this summer. Cloudy with high temp around 70 F. and lows around 50 F.
It's pouring now. We're supposed to get another 1/2" dump of rain in a couple of hours, and then another 1" dump in the early morning hours. This is moving northeast right over top of me. ps: I love Weather Underground. I can zoom that radar in to the street level. I used to have to get off of the couch and look out a window to see what the weather is.
Back to the cold rain. It rained hard all day yesterday, but one son and family came out for a work day as a belated Father's Day gift. We worked to extend the "porch" in the chicken enclosure. It allows the chickens a place to be outside in the rain and snow. About five hours' labor in the rain got the job done. I don't think it made it to 60 F. in the rain yesterday, and it is 50 and raining hard this morning, but the swan family--parents and 7 cygnets--are encamped on the lawn, so that brightens the day a bit.
My region got 4.80" of rain last night, so there has been some flash flooding. There is a Twitter screenshot on Next Door from the local news saying that there are stranded vehicles not far from me (although I find no reference to it on the regional news site.) I guess I'll hit the grocery store tomorrow, since every way I go crosses creeks. A guy died a few years ago right up the road from me trying to drive his truck through receding water over a bridge, and could not see that there was a sink hole under the water. It flipped his truck upside-down.