Here's another TV one I heard you gotta think people did to make themselves stand out. Robot. Row-baht, or Rowbut (said real fast.) Perhaps it's a regional thing.
I pronounce the "l" too, although very softly and unobtrusively. As for mischievous, I guess I play around with both pronunciations. I grew up pronouncing it as "mis-cheeve-e-us" but have subsequently heard it pronounced "mis-chuh-vus" so often that I sometimes use that pronunciation. Similar to mischievous, everyone around me pronounced caramel as "carmel" when I was a kid, but that didn't seem right to me, so I have mostly adopted the "cara-mel" pronunciation. Wherever there is a dispute, I like to use the letters that are in a word.
I say "kah-rah-mel", but some people say kar-a-mel. You are just weird, unless you are talking about the town in CA.