A young fellow on a group where I hang out just reported that he's seeing American Flags being Flown Upside Down, only to say so many people are feelng this about our country. All screwed up, this is in Upstate NY. I honor our flag but I would do this to show my anger.
I wouldn't. It's not an appropriate reaction or behaviour. I would not dishonor the flag because others dishonor my nation.
I think that started on ships, where a flag was often the first communication that one ship had with another, so if the flag was upside down, the other ship knew right away that the first ship was in some kind of serious distress. It is a totally inappropriate thing for people to do right now, and is disrespectful to our national flag. What else reallyupsets me is seeing the pickup trucks driving up and down our streets with their Mexican flags flying , and it really shows that they come here , and hate the country that is literally taking care of them.
Similar to flying the Stars and Bars. I never got those "Patriots who flew the Stars and Stripes on one side and the Stars and Bars (celebrating the most successful attempt to overthrow the U.S.) on two sides of the same vehicle.
Yes, flying our flag upside down is a sign of extreme distress. If the current state of the nation isn’t yet extreme at what point do you think it will be? Is there a particular event or action where you would consider the USA to be in extreme distress? I’ve never flown the flag upside down or with anything but respect but I would not be surprised to see it become more common.