Asperger's people seem to have high intelligence and can be very (hyper) focused, so Elon may well be an Asperger's person. I have a SIL with the symptoms although he has never been formally diagnosed. With all your medical issues @Julia Curtis, I am surprised you live in NB. Where did all your valve replacements take place? I just had a friend who had a valve replacement via catheter and she recovered in a couple days. Here is one link. Is that how your last one was performed? I know they do them at McGill but I don't know how many hospitals in Canada perform them. Certainly easier on the patient than the old chest-cracking method if you are suitable. Here is the link to the McGill handbook for the procedure in case you want to look.
St.John Regional and I had an Angiogram and CTScan there last month to see is I was a candidate for the TAVI but because of past vascular vien grafting surgery I was not a candidate.My Cardiologist and GP both pushed for that but it was not to be.All my open hearts are done at StJohn Regional because it is the Heart Sciences center for my Province.I was diagnosed with Aspergers 5 years ago.My GP thought I should be tested.
Where else would I live Mr.Alaska.I was born here.I don't understand what that means.The medical system here is no comparison to what Americans have.Out of all the Provinces New Brunswick is the absolute worst.But pulling up stakes is financially out of the question and most of Canada is the same medically speaking.
I do know that I was brought up not to judge people no matter who they were because we all come from differant backgrounds and we all have defects of some sort.Elon is not the definition of Aspergers.Perhaps research might be an option on that.
I didn't necessarily mean to move, but I thought if you had the opportunity it would benefit you to live closer to Montreal or Toronto. No offense meant. We here in Alaska know what it means to have medical inadequacy. I encourage anyone I know who has a serious medical condition to at least get an opinion from another source outside the state. Anchorage used to have top-notch orthopedic care, as we have so many serious accidents and trauma, i.e., plane crashes occupational tragedies, animal attacks, etc., but our soft tissue surgery and internal medicine sub-specialty record is not the best. I don't know that we have great care in any arena now since reimbursements have changed so much since the ACA was passed that is is nearly impossible to maintain a high level practice in this state, especially in the rural areas. Please don't take offense, @Julia Curtis for none was meant and I know things operate differently in Canada.
The other day I heard someone muse how different this election cycle would be had Musk not bought Twitter, and the censorship on it would continue unabated. He's lost money on the deal, but most believe he bought it to keep Free Speech alive.
I hope he gets a spot in Trump's cabinet or other although he probably doesn't have the time, nor want it. He could run the government like a business with Vivek. And get some gentleness from Ben Carson.
Good morning to all- With all due respect to those who think the government should be "run like a business" our government was NEVER intended to be a business. From my studies in college and elsewhere, I have been shown that businesses exist to create a profit- that is, make money for someone. The government was made to determine the course of the nation and to provide needed service to the people. Our government was not intended to make money. Those who think the skills that apply to "business" are the same skills that apply to "government" are mislead. The only transferable skill from one identity to the other is, hopefully, but not very often, a high level of honesty. I would guess that there is about the same level of honesty in business as there is in government at this time- to be honest, not a whole lot in either. you all be safe and keep well- Ed
For far too long the corruption in governments being run 'like a government' has bankrupted the country--even the world; Monkey see monkey do. Waste needs to be cut, agencies closed and accountability must be held to fix what has been done. Musk seems good at streamlining and changing course as needed. Vivek explained how cuts could be made. With corrections accomplished, the 'government' might be able go back to being minimalist as was intended.