Nothing else Don, I guess I wasn't clear or something, on what I was asking you. The only question I was replying to, was to "your post" about the med being made for women first. That's all. (Your post) "post#36" -Just as an aside in this thread about blood pressure. I posted earlier about Viagra extending men's lifespan who take the drug. Viagra was first approved as a drug primarily for women who had pulmonary hypertension. I was surprised and asked you "if it was true", sorry for the confusion.
Here's a link for us older folks.
I've been meaning to buy a home BP device for years. Until this spring I only had BP checked at annual or semi-annual doctor's appointment. Last visit it was 130/80, which is now considered borderline. Started dieting and lost 15 lbs, so I finally got around to buying one, just to see if it made a difference. Like any new toy, I was taking it several times a day at first. BP is back down to normal, around 120/60, according to this device. Maybe the one at the doctor's office was off that day. I'll never know. Should have bought it before the dieting.
I think everyone should have one at home to keep a check on B.P. on a regular basis. We have 3 and a regular one that's manual, my B.P. 168/98- 93 today. I had just checked it a minute ago. Having a way to check is good even if it's not exactly correct in case something is happening IMO.
Hi Jake, At a minimum, I check BP every other day because of my age 92. Why so often? Because a year ago, my average BP readings were 173/89. Way too high! Too close to get-to-the-hospital alert of 180/100. So I have been working on diet and exercise for the past year. Now I get a much improved BP average of 142/80. Even better, When I take a 30-minute sauna and measure BP, I get an average reading of 116/64. The sauna expands blood vessels which results in great readings. I don’t know what the half-life is for the sauna improvement, but I assume it’s at least a couple hours. John
Cool, John, that sounds great about the sauna to Bring B.P. down. I haven't tried that yet but sounds like a great idea to me.
Jake, I am talking about an infra-red sauna vs a traditional sauna. Here is a link that discusses why the infra-red is better:
Jake, the above looks like a big sauna at a health club. Probably very expensive. When I moved to Nevada in 2016, I bought an individual sauna shown below that cost $2,370. I used it off and on until recently when I started using it almost daily to reduce my blood pressure.
That's neat looking and all you would need to do it. 2016 it was $2,370.00, I wonder with new inflation what that one would cost you now? Seems everything is higher now gas, gro's, light bills, insurance, and the list goes on and on. But when it comes to your health sometimes you can't go by that, huh? I will try and find out what one like that would cost now. Thanks, John. Look at this one John, wonder if it would work to lower B.P. it's only $229.00. Similar to the other one is this one.
148/98/87 just did a check and we will have a fun day today, dental appts for both of us, cleaning for me. Took B.P. med for it, but they still will make it elevate, no matter what I do. It's Bobby who said, "white coat syndrome", and I wonder what others do for that? Last visit they didn't even check it; I'm sure they knew it would be too high to do that filling so she just jumped on it and filled it. No fun at all, and I am not sure that I can ever remember filling be such a job as they do it. It's almost like a wrestling match, the way they do it. Anyway, have to finish getting ready, hope everyone has a really great day.
Made it through, but wonder if all that scraping on your teeth is really good for the teeth? B.P. when they checked it, it was even higher, and that was after taking B.P. med, but they did work on me anyway. Just curious about the scraping, anyone here knows?