Angel saves man on bike, rumor is it is real, notice how the truck driver is wondering what just happened while man on bike had to sit it out.
This one was funny. Rosanne Barr was giving 'fitting' names for Hillery Clinton, Pelosi, Biden, etc,
When you post these little short videos, @Marie Mallery , can you first write a little bit of an informational post to tell all of us what the video is about so that people can know if they are interested in watching it or not ? The regular videos show a picture and the name of the video when we post them, but these little short ones do not have any kind of a clue what they are about, so we have to explain that when we post them.
Since we're giving hints, when you do Shorts, you can embed them like other YouTube videos if you replace the work "shorts" with the letter "V" in the url, then paste it using the Media icon. Here's the most recent vid you posted: Here is the modified url: And here the modified url is embedded using the Media icon you use for any YouTube video: I picked this up on another forum. I have no idea how the guy figured this out.