Turkey is very much on the side of Hamas. Yesterday, the Turk President said, "Hamas is not a terrorist organisation. Israel is an occupier"
Saturday evening, Oct 28th. The IDF is now deep inside Gaza, in both the north and in the east. Videos show hundreds of IDF Markava tanks, armored personnel carriers and armored bulldozers . Thus far, Hamas has tried, without success, to destroy IDF forces. Though a few IDF tanks have been disabled.
It's the U.S. that finances the Israeli war machine. Some foreign policy when it comes to making friends in the region. Every year, Israel receives $3.3 billion in foreign military financing from the U.S. In addition to getting more U.S. taxpayer-funded weapons than all other countries combined, Israel also is singled out for special treatment that makes this allocation even more valuable–it receives its allocation in unique ... https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-e&q=how+does+israel+get+its+armamments?
Israel is our ally in the mid-east. Of course we are going to support them. Arab nations , on the other hand, support terrorism. Especially, Iran, Yemen, Afghanistan and Syria. No way that we could ever be friends with those nations because they hope for the destruction of not only Israel , but the U.S. as well.
It seems to me that all of the mid-east troubles begins with religion. Maybe, just maybe, if there were no "true believers" there would be less war ? But maybe I'm way off base.
I agree ! Most wars over the annals of time were started over religion . And BTW I am not a believer,
I can tell you there is "one" who doesn't want any believers and he is ruler of this world, for now, able to do his dirty work. This is a fallen world full of sinners, saved or unsaved, sin is the cause of wars. I know, I know, no such thing as sin, or evil. Really, tell me if you can what the world would be without a belief in Someone greater than ourselves? I doubt we'd even exist. My belief in God is not just a religion, it's a relationship with my Creator.
I haven't read Walsch that I remember, but I have read the "religion causes wars" theory to be bunk. It is sometimes used as an excuse or a way to motivate the uneducated masses, but wars are caused generally over territory or resources, not religion. If there were no religion, there would still be wars and I expect there were wars among cavepeople who had no religion.
When I made my last post, about religion, I hope didn't insult anyone. That was certainly not my intention. If I did insult anyone, I appologise.
You certainly didn't insult me; I agree about religious wars. One thing that has always puzzled me is that antisemitism persists. Why do some people hate Jews?? It just seems absurd to carry so much hate, especially if the hater also claims to be a Christian.
Power is the reason - IMO that wars happen . Man since the beginning of time has always wanted to be in control of others. Power brings wealth. Greed is ugly and deadly.
I am not insulted by the idea the "religion is the reason for war", but I disagree with the concept. It is given as a reason mostly by those who have little religion. I am sure those nasty Shintoists encouraged the Japanese government to attack Pearl Harbor. Hitler hated Jews, but he didn't care if they practiced the faith or not--he was using the heritage as an excuse to unite the Germans. Serbs didn't kill Franz Ferdinand and trigger the alliances to start WWI. The Spanish American War did not involve religion; the Mexican War was about territory.... Even the current conflict in the Middle East only has religion as a backdrop. The current conflict is about the Palestinians being uprooted from land their families owned and held for millennia to found a Jewish State after WWII. The Russia-Ukraine War can't be about religion, as both sides are Orthodox Christians. The Argentine-British "war" was over territory, nothing more. The U.S. incursion into Iraq wa over oil, not religion. the Afghani conflict was a reaction to an attack on an economic symbol, not a religious one. The only "war' in recent times that can even remotely be attributed to religion is the conflict between the Brits and Ireland, but I think that was mostly over how to be governed and how land ownership was dealt with. I think the "Religion Causes War" is just a statement to denigrate religious belief without reason.