I love that hairstyle, Nancy. I wish I could cut my own hair!! When I let the color grow off in 2018, I got a haircut similar to that to get as much of the color off as I could. If it didn't require salon visits to maintain the style, I'd go back to that in a minute.
I use to cut my hair years ago. Can barley reach to brush it now at times. Short hair is easier but I do not like it to be overly short. I have this thing about hair should be inporpoitoin to your body. Huge hips calls for longer fuller looking hair verus a buzz cut . On other words I want my hair length to fit my body size. Do y'all know what I am saying
Right. You have to go too often when it's short. I hate going to a salon. They never get it the way I like it at the neck and around the ears, and that's the hardest part for me to do too. I guess you need to shop around to find someone good (which means they would be expensive), and I don't want to spend that much time looking.
I have noticed an interesting thing happening with my hair. For several years now, it has been completely grey/white; but now it seems to be getting some dark hair growing back into the white hair and is turning kind of a silver color. I am not sure what is helping the hair to have more color; but I think it is because of the benefits of the intermittent fasting/autophagy that i have been doing most days. When your body is in autophagy, then it “eats” the old and defective cells, and then it rebuilds with brand new cells, which is one of my main goals for doing the intermittent fasting, along with losing weight/fat. Here are two pictures showing the top of my head, one from 2019, and one from yesterday (with the pink band) and it is easy to see the difference in color. I think that it might even be thicker, although I have really fine hair, so that part is hard to tell.
@Yvonne Smith = um maybe, but more like because hair changes in texture and in color about every seven years. I was a bit whiter at top and around face but peppery in back. Now, I notice more pepper coming back on top and sides. I do use the silver shampoo not sure if that does it or not. Good thing I am not White gray,as I am very light complexion .that would wash me out. I may look older not coloring, but like no more smoking is very liberating Not to have to do something- unless you want to. So enjoy the color come back Yvonne
Just bumping this old thread to see if it's worth continuing the discussion. When my hair first started coming back after chemo in 2021 it was a weird texture; kind of like a dandelion gone to seed. I was so thrilled to have hair that I didn't care what it looked like, but I got over that in a hurry. Went through the "finger in a light socket" stage, then the "Sophia from Golden Girls" look, and finally most of my hair returned though thinner and finer than it had been. My eyebrows and lashes are sparse and I have a few spots on my scalp that haven't filled in well but that's life. Occasionally I wonder if it would look better if I put some color back on, but I don't want the upkeep. My hair had gotten back to shoulder length but was stringy looking, so last month I got my daughter to cut it to chin length again. A blunt bob seems to make it look a little thicker.
I’m thinking about coloring my hair gray/sliver just to see what I would look like. I have colored my hair for so many years, and I am getting tired of doing that. I would probably go into shock seeing my hair gray, as would my family. My husband doesn’t care one way or another, so he says, but he has never seen me with gray hair.
I’m one of the “lucky” women who has the thinning hair on top. I’ve always worn it short and was just doing to a Cost Cutters, but a few months back I started going back to a salon. They know how to cut my hair so I can camouflage the sparse parts.
My hair texture over many years has never changed. It's color has. As an all grey haired woman by 55 years old, I really liked the color. Recent few years, I add foils here and there for a mixture of colors, I also enjoy that. I was thinking recently that I think some ongoing medications contribute to both hair textures and hair color (with some people) And of course hair products we use might also eventually alter natural hair colors.