After watching a John Wick movie, I feel so relieved and secure now. I thought he killed off every bad guy in this country and a couple of others and just to be sure, he went back in Wick 2 and 3 to finish off those that he didn’t get in 1. All the bad guys are dead now. No need for anyone to buy guns for security any longer.
I really had to look up how many bad guys died because one gen z kid killed his dog. I thought it was around a thousand but nope….just uh….. WARNING: For those who are possessed with OCD …..don’t look. Spoiler 299
Dunno if there’s a 4. If there is, then that mediator or whatever she is has to get capped too. Downright nasty lady. She’ll make an even 300.
I definitely was on John's side here. However, considering the movie and the fact that justice prevailed, I have never seen any sequel.
There is a 'Chapter 4' John Wick @Bobby Cole, is this the one you are talking about? @Beth Gallagher Isn't Keanu Reeves handsome as ever?
The very same. Just think, Texas and Florida replaced all the guys in NYC that John Wick killed with South Americans.
Hmmm……I pictured you as a Jason Statham kind of a gal. Ya know that in his next movie, the Beekeeper, he’s gonna get rid of all the bad guys in telemarketing AND the government.