There are always going to be conspiracy theories about historic moments. If its not the JFK assassination , its secret UFO files and how George Bush actually planed the 911 bombings. The country western singer, Willie Nelson, has repeatedly said that Bush had bombs planted in the Twin towers. IMO, Willie Nelson has smoked far, far too much wacky weed.
Willie Nelson was a nut and couldn't sing, either. And didn't they just admit that there were flying objects that they couldn't rule not as extraterrestrial?
This is an interesting discussion of John F. Kennedy's assassination and the conspiracies surrounding it. It doesn't come to any conclusions, but it examines several possibilities. A couple of people who knew Lee Harvey Oswald are interviewed, as well, including one who knew him while he was living in Russia. It was interesting, but not entirely surprising, to learn that most people, in every conceivable demographic, don't believe that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone, and that distrust in the United States government and the media began with the JFK assassination. Democrats, Republicans and Independents, college-educated and non-college-educated, men and women, white-collar workers and blue-collar workers, those who voted for Trump and those who voted for Hillary in 2016, and so on, across all age demographics, do not believe the government's story regarding the JFK assassination.
An interesting comparison between the movie “Back To the Future” and the assassination of JFK, which makes some really interesting points.
Kennedy made the Russians and Khrushchev back down during the Cuban missile crisis. In retribution, they recruited the assassin Oswald as the hit man when he was in Russia. End of story. Assassination is a tool even Putin uses to this day.
I was reading on Twitter this morning that some people think that Joe Biden and Lee Harvey Oswald could have been the same person, and that this is why JFK Jr. called him a traitor. We know that one of the things that he vowed was to bring his father’s killers to justice. Not much is known about LHO before he was involved in the Kennedy assassination, and was probably a patsy and not the actual shooter. Here are pictures of both men, and there is definitely a resemblance between the two.
I don't know about Oswald, but you can certainly see Hunter in the young Joe. Both have been weasels their entire life.
The HelmerReenburg channel is a series of interviews with people connected to the John F. Kennedy assassination conducted many years ago, many with people who haven't figured into the official story.