I can't have any sulfa antibiotic. A few years ago, I was given an antibiotic. First, I developed an itchy rash, then dark brown spots on the palms of my hands that turned into huge itchy blisters. When the blisters opened, chunks of hanging skin like an unwrapped mummy. When I told the doctor, he wanted to give me another drug for it. I said, "No, thanks." Fortunately, new skin grew on my palms. I've had other classes of antibiotics that screwed up my digestion. Often, dentists want to give me antibiotics just for safety....in case. I've learned not to argue with them; I just say, "OK," but don't take them.
But when you can’t take any other antibiotic, you have no choice. Cipro is the only one I can take for a UTI. I cannot take sulfa or nitrofurantoin. I had a really bad adverse reactions to them. I rather not take Cipro neither because I have read reviews from people who have had problems with it. But on the other hand I have read reviews from 90 year old women and men that have taken Cipro for decades for UTI or prostatitis and have not had any problems. I questioned my GYN a couple of times about it and apparently there was no concern about it. I always ask, is there any other antibiotic I can take for UTI. Apparently, Sulfa, Nitro, and Cipro are the big 3 for UTI's.
I once saw a patient die from having his teeth cleaned. He went through 4 valve replacements before he died. He was 37 years old. Every dentist in town was terrified.
There are a number of drugs that can be given for UTIs, but relatively few for prostatitis. I think Cipro is the #1 drug for prostatitis. I have been given Cipro and Levaquin. I tolerated Cipro but could not tolerate Levaquin. I did have a torn tendon however. I have no idea if it was related to the Cipro or not.
IMO, nothing wrong with taking an antibiotic........when needed & worth the risk. The problem is overprescribing - like when they're prescribed to prevent an infection, or prescribed "Just in Case" or prescribed to protect themselves legally. 20 years ago, I had a bad UTI with fever. In the ER, I was given an IV antibiotic & an Rx for Cipro. The IV worked very well; by the next morning, the UTI was gone. I tossed the Cipro. I've had bad teeth since birth - 29 root canals & three extractions, 30 crowns & 3 bridges. For EACH root canal, dentist always pushed antibiotics on me - until I say, "No" & start to leave. They always change their mind & say, "OK, we can do it without antibiotics" when they see their $1,500.00 leaving.
Krystal wasn't meant to alarm you and I'm very glad you can take this med, but just a reminder to those who it may harm, like all drugs have potential to do, some more so than others. Just awareness.
I worry about taking cipro. I end up taking it once a year, or if I am lucky, every 2 years. No matter if I go to my gyn, primary doc, or a walk in clinic. It's always the same 3 antibiotics that they want to prescribe. I have mentioned here somewhere before that I have had UTI’s since Menopause. I have NEVER had any until then. They are horrible painful UTI’s that come on fast. I ended up in the ER in the middle of the night when I had my first one. The ER doc gave me Cipro and told me that there are a small percentage of people that get them really bad. Lucky me. I have researched to nauseam how to prevent UTI’s. I have taken, tried and done everything possible to no avail. I am still at it. I refuse to give up.
I can remember how painful UTI can be sometimes during pregnancy I'd get them, so I am sorry you have to fight them so often. Bless your heart hope something comes up to help you.
I had a bad reaction from Cipro the only time I took it for a colon infection. I can take anything else without issue. I was on a maintenance does (50mg) of nitrofurantoin for a year for UTI stuff. I've had about every antibiotic known to man (keflec, cefdiner, something I forgot, currently doing a periodic gentamicin flush.) You're lucky you can tolerate cipro. If there's an anthrax attack, I think I'm screwed.
i have found that drinking water with cream of tartar stirred in works well as maintenance against uti's...try it
I have doctors that won't take no for an answer as well, good for you @Tony Nathanson! I'll have to be stone cold passed out for anyone to give me another drug. I've suffered a lot from a benzodiazepine, I'm still coming off of. There are plenty of natural remedies for infections, usually, it's just easier for some to just follow the doctors orders. When I was growing up, we trusted our doctors. I no longer leave my health up to them unless I break a leg, etc.
I have taken other antibiotics too. I can not take penicillin neither. I break out in hives. I worry about antibiotic resistance to cipro also. Even though the most I have taken cipro has been once a year, and a few times twice a year. I won't take hormone replace therapy. I would be trading one problem for another. What did people do back before there were antibiotics for Uti’s or anything else? Die?