I have seen the problem before: It’s hard to show the work without a hyperextension sign on my keyboard and I tried a few times but it just doesn’t look right. but yeah…..I know the answer. Hint: (3 numbers and the last one is 8)
Did you link it from a website? Maybe the URL went away or got changed, or the filename got changed. It happens a lot. You'll see all over the place here. I don't always do this myself, but the best way to include an image from the web is to Save it to your hard drive and then Upload it to your comment. That way, it resides on this forum's server and will never get relocated or deleted. And you can delete if from your hard drive once it's been Uploaded.
What I do is right-click on the pic then "Copy image" then Paste here or wherever. Maybe I didn't pay attention and copied the URL
It was fine for a while. I bet the URL got changed or deleted. There are posts where some of us see when others see a pic. That's either a file type (extension) issue or (for me) a browser issue. Yours is most likely a broken link. Maybe this conversation will break me of the habit of linking pics from the web, and I'll do the Save/Upload thing, 'cause I know I have an [IMG] or two hanging out there.
If a signal from above contains a series of prime numbers then it's most likely coming from an alien civilization. Keyword: "prime numbers"