"Science-based" gun control, in the same manner that our Covid response was based on "science," Or is it political science we're talking about? Follow the science, people.
I cannot fathom why they’re bothering to hide the facts. As we can see from the last Presidential election and Covid, more than 50% of the population could care less about finding out the facts anyway.
I agree that if a cop has entered the wrong home and starts giving orders to the occupant, he/she is acting illegally.
I’m pretty sure I posted this once here, somewhere, but it never hurts repeating to get the word out. For those wanting good hard data on guns and society, these two sources are hard to beat. 1. https://crimeresearch.org/ 2. https://www.gunfacts.info/
A new study published by Ohio shows that gun violence decreased in 5 of the state's 7 largest cities, much to the chagrin of gun control advocates. Here is a video by a guy who is one of the internet's biggest firearms ownership advocates.
Virginia democrats are putting the Gun Control pedal to the metal this legislative session. They are so small minded that they have introduced legislation to remove NRA license plates from DMV's offering.
The latest from the Biden Administration to get the guns out of the hands of people who disagree with the political narrative: https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/just...extreme-risk-protection-order-resource-center
I don't think it can be stopped. maybe its fate. Even if what's left of Americans who care about their nation fought, they would be largely outnumbered. I feel sorry for our children who will pay the price for our mistakes.
The 2nd amendment is what protects all of the others. If a person shoots up a gun free zone, he should be arrested and punished. Maybe throw away the key? The response should not be to take all the guns from law abiding citizens. Personally I would like stronger laws to defend ones own home instead of an arrest until things are figured out.
Totally agree with you @Mary Stetler. I don't know what the situation is in Wisconsin, but here, where we don't have counties, the action goes through the state. Alaska has a lot of gun owner and user protection including Castle Doctrine, Constitutional Carry, open carry, and Alaska has even made itself exempt from Federal gun laws completely for weapons made entirely within the state. Making guns entirely within the state is very difficult and expensive, since nothing can be imported except perhaps raw steel. The WEF and others have to disarm Americans if they want to truly take over the nation. Hopefully we can make that as difficult as we can.