Acid Reflux?

Discussion in 'Health & Wellness' started by Ken Anderson, Jan 22, 2020.

  1. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Every now and then over the past decade or so, but not more often than once every couple of years, I will experience the symptoms of acid reflux. This occurs mostly when I am drinking anything other than water. Coffee is the biggest offender, followed by tea, fruit juices, and pretty much any other liquid but water. Although there are some foods that I am just not hungry for when I am feeling this way, I don't recall having experienced symptoms of acid reflux as a result of foods that I have eaten. Drinks seem to be the biggest offender.

    In most of the ways that acid reflux (also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD) is described, that's how I feel, except that I have never gotten the chest pains that a lot of people feel with it. In some cases, the symptoms, while there, don't feel like they are described on paper.

    For example:

    Difficulty in swallowing

    While it might be described that way, I think that dysphagia would be a more accurate term because it covers a wider range of negative experiences associated with swallowing. In reality, I am swallowing just fine, but it feels like the most bitter part of whatever I am drinking gets stuck about mid-throat. I don't think anything is actually stuck there, but it feels as if it is.

    Most coffee lovers will admit that there is a harshness in coffee that we normally have a love-hate relationship with, but it's mostly overwhelmed by all of the good tastes and sensations that come from coffee. With acid reflux, if indeed that is what I am feeling, my perception is that all of the good stuff in coffee is being swallowed without difficulty, while the bitterness is stuck in my throat.

    Sore throat

    As above, I suppose it's in the definitions. My throat is not sore as it would be with strep throat or a viral infection. There is a discomfort in my throat, but my perception is that if I could either swallow the nastiness that's stuck in my throat or throw it up, everything would be fine. There's probably a sermon there too, but that would be a digression.

    Persistent dry cough

    Sometimes voluntary, and at other times involuntary, but this is due to conscious and subconscious attempts to clear that nastiness from my throat. If I overdo the coughing, my throat might become actually sore.

    Regurgitation of food or sour liquid

    To some extent, perhaps. When I am experiencing the symptoms of acid reflux, I feel like I would love to be able to just throw up and be rid of whatever is there but there doesn't seem to be anything actually there. When I try to drink something like coffee there is a regurgitation, not in the sense of throwing up, but more like the coffee goes down, but then part of it comes back up again, where it remains in the middle of my throat. Again, I don't think there's actually coffee sitting there in my throat, like a backed-up toilet, but it feels like that's what's happening.

    The sensation of a lump in the throat

    There is a sensation as if there is something in my throat, but not a lump. Perhaps if I made myself eat some of the foods that I am never hungry for when experiencing these symptoms, I'd feel as if the food were stuck in the throat, and that might feel like a lump.

    Chest pains

    No, I don't think I've had that.

    I hadn't connected it until recently, so I don't know if this has always been the case, but the last couple of times that I have experienced acid reflux it has occurred at the end of another illness. When I had the flu a couple of years ago, it ended with a few days of acid reflux. Since I didn't see a doctor this time around, I don't really know what was wrong with me this week, but I am pretty much over all of it, but I have had acid reflux symptoms since yesterday.

    I have seen a doctor for the acid reflux symptoms a couple of times, and they have diagnosed it as such, given that I have had most of its symptoms, but nothing they suggest for it seems to ever do any good. I have taken the antacids, and I have not taken them, and the results are about the same.

    Of course, there are surgical remedies for it as well but, unlike some people who suffer from acid reflux for months at a time, with me, it doesn't last long. Once I get the idea as to what foods and drinks to avoid, it's over in a few days, and I can go back to drinking two or three pots of coffee a day again.
    Nancy Hart and Bess Barber like this.
  2. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    I have had acid reflux for years; Omeprazole is part of my life. :D One symptom that I find the absolute most annoying is the increased mucous in the throat... I am constantly clearing my throat, expecially in the morning when I first get up. Also if I eat or drink dairy products...ugh.

    Omeprazole is a life-saver for me; I have taken it off and on for years. It keeps most symptoms of GERD at bay, though if I eat late at night or a large meal I know I will pay for it later.
    Ken Anderson and Bess Barber like this.
  3. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    For me, the problem is never food. Of course, I am always looking for a reason to persuade myself not to eat because I can certainly afford to lose some weight. So when I have this, I pretty much quit eating, except for chicken noodle soup and some fruits. Given that I haven't taken the time to research what foods to avoid, my body pretty much tells me what to avoid. Drinks are so much harder to avoid, though. While I could quit eating for a week without any ill effects, I can't quit drinking, and water is so boring.
    Bess Barber likes this.
  4. Bess Barber

    Bess Barber Veteran Member
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    Jun 8, 2019
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    @Ken Anderson There are so many different variations of stomach ailments, they become hard to define and pinpoint the culprit. Certain foods take longer to digest and possibly something in the delay makes it difficult to know what to blame. Maybe keep a daily log for awhile regarding what you do eat and drink to see if it starts to form a time frame pattern. You may still not know the exact cause, but may have a better idea on what to avoid. I laughed about the whole gluten thing until I realized I was having a problem with it. It forms a gum like residue in your stomach. It can take a couple of days before it begins to really feel bad. When your stomach is messed up, it just sucks the joy out of anything you usually like doing.
    Ken Anderson likes this.
  5. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    @Bess Barber, that would be hard for me to do because this only happens to me every couple of years, and sometimes longer than that. If this were something that occurred a few times a year, that might be helpful. In this particular case though, because I was sick, I wasn't eating much of anything but soups. I was drinking coffee, and more tea than I usually do, because tea seems to be better on my stomach when I'm having stomach problems than coffee does. As for gluten, I don't get obsessive about it, but I try to avoid stuff with gluten whenever there is an acceptable alternative, which is most of the time.

    Maybe I should go back to eating TV dinners, pizza, and hamburger helper. As I recall, I felt pretty darned healthy when I was eating that kind of a diet. Of course, I was also in my twenties.
  6. Teresa Levitt

    Teresa Levitt Veteran Member

    Oct 22, 2019
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    i've been drinking aloe vera juice...i mix it with gingerale. ..

    I hope you find a remedy...soon
  7. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    It's interesting that you say that. I have some in the refrigerator that I bought while I was sick. I'm a man, so I drink it straight. When I lived in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas, I could get 100% aloe vera juice by the gallon at HEB for next to nothing. I'd add some of it to my bath water.

    Last edited: Jan 22, 2020
  8. Teresa Levitt

    Teresa Levitt Veteran Member

    Oct 22, 2019
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    2,001're a better man than me...ha!

    I just get a big gallon jug at Walmart. ..i think it's 100 proof....ha!

    i started having "gut" trouble...oh few years back...not being one to cut out that cup of joe. ..
    I drink that aloe mix before I sip on the coffee..

    we'll see...
    Ken Anderson and Beth Gallagher like this.
  9. Ed Wilson

    Ed Wilson Veteran Member

    Dec 6, 2019
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    I was getting the lump in the throat sensation, in fact almost burning, and it turned out to be the chocolate I was eating. No more chocolate, no more lump.
  10. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    OMG. No more chocolate is criminal!!! My condolences, sir.
  11. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Coffee is a big problem when I am suffering acid reflux but I don't think it's caused by coffee since I drink two or three pots of coffee a day and this only happens every two or three years.

    Actually, I don't know that acid reflux disease should be something that occurs only every two or three years. More commonly, it's a chronic problem. This is why, although doctors have told me I have acid reflux disease, I don't necessarily believe it. They made that diagnosis entirely on the basis of my symptoms, and their antacids never did me a bit of good. My problem may be something else but it feels an awful lot like acid reflux is supposed to feel like.

    Last edited: Jan 22, 2020
    Nancy Hart likes this.
  12. Ed Wilson

    Ed Wilson Veteran Member

    Dec 6, 2019
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    I appreciate your concern Beth. I'm going to try another brand of chocolate, maybe some good old Hershey's. The offending brand was from Austria bought at Aldi's.
    Beth Gallagher and Ken Anderson like this.
  13. Nancy Hart

    Nancy Hart Supreme Member

    Jun 3, 2018
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    I've just started experiencing this, enough to be concerning, for about a week. Looking back now it's been coming on gradually for a month. I just ignored it.

    For the last month or so, I've been drinking a lot of regular coffee, maybe 8-10 cups a day, with creamer. Perdue frozen chicken breast tenders are a clear trigger almost immediately. No special ingredients listed. Must be the type of fat.

    I'm almost afraid to go to bed, because that's when it flares up. And every time that happens, I'm sure it only makes things worse. The worse it gets, the harder it will be to "fix" by myself.

    For the last 3 days, I've cut out coffee. Sipping water, occasionally laced with baking soda. Eating bananas, green beans, bagels, and oatmeal, etc (what the websites say are safe). No food before bed, no big meals. It seems to be helping.

    I hope it's the caffeine, not the coffee. It's easy for me to switch to decaf. And easy to dump the chicken. I never had to worry about what I ate before. :(o_O:rolleyes:
  14. Nancy Hart

    Nancy Hart Supreme Member

    Jun 3, 2018
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    Still drinking a little tea, but not so much, and the flavored sugar-free water drinks (packets you mix with water, like Crush). Doesn't seem to cause problems.
    Ken Anderson likes this.
  15. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I sporadically drink tea and have often used the sugar-free flavor packets for water, but I also get bored with them after a while.

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