These guys recommend coyote urine for raccoons. Wolf might even be better.
There you go! Coyote are a direct threat to the adult raccoon. Fox only hurt the babies...sometimes. @Von Jones Here are application instructions & ideas form Don's product's website.
My order is in. Yesterday I met a lady who was cleaning out and around a house and was working in the alley. We exchanged greetings and talked. I mentioned dealing with raccoons and she said when she was trying to save some good soil by dumping it in a nearby hole she saw it coming back out . A raccoon stuck its head out. I had to wonder if it was a new pack or if the pack in the house next door moved out. Then I thought maybe that was one that I saw that didn't know where to go.
I heard kits playing last night but I couldn't see any activity in the backyard. I went to see when the coyote pee will arrive and guess what? I forgot to check out, silly me.
I haven't seen a raccoon on my cameras (or in person) since last fall. I have made more of a point of taking the bird/squirrel food in at night and am feeding the feral cats on my front porch rather than in the back, so it seems that, with the food sources made more difficult, they've looked elsewhere.
With an alley behind the house and other residents who don't care about their containers being rummaged through by whom or whatever food for the raccoons is readily available.
I saw that last night and it struck me as funny, in a dark sort of way. I'm not sure I want to know the story behind it.
The coyote pee came yesterday and I just put out the first application. Giving it 30 days with exception of rain then I have to reapply it per directions. I used my two of the bottles which are about 10 feet apart and then on the privacy fence. It didn't smell too bad and it's windy out but hasn't come to my lookout (kitchen window) yet. I used maybe a quarter of the bottle. I smell it now. It's not as intense as I thought it would be but my smelling it doesn't count .
LIVE AT 4:08 a.m. on raccoon watch. I hear rustling at the vacant house in the backyard. A spot where I poured coyote pee . Now I'm hearing a weird sound like it's getting ready to throw up. What's the word for that? It's silent now. I'd say that raccoon wasn't very happy. Ok, I hear a different sound now I'm guessing clearing its nose . Five minutes so far. Heaving, that's the word I wanted. Now I hear the kits squealing. Uh oh sounds like a fight going on. Huh, trouble at the homefront, you think? 10 minutes, it's quiet again. It's 4:34 a.m. sounds of fighting again, sounds weird. To understand when I say's not between two adult raccoons but a momma raccoon and a hardhead kit. Ok, it's 4:39 a.m and I hear them in the distance in the alley. Momma raccoon doesn't sound too happy either. It's quiet here but I faintly hear Momma raccoon. I'd say it was an eventful raccoon watch and give @Don Alaska and @John Brunner a high five. The raccoon watch will continue until I feel they have really gone away.
The amazing thing is that urban raccoons react to coyote pee. And I had no idea you could actually hear them on the adjacent property from your house. That stinks.
My thought also and how familiar with coyotes if never been around them being in the city. It was probably 'how much' I poured. The privacy fence separates the yards where I live which is called intercity. It's also designates the property line. So I can only hear them outside.