They are an easy flower to grow @Marie Mallery , and will live uncared for for years. My mom and dad moved from the ranch in Bonners Ferry to our house in Sandpoint when I was about 2 years old, but they kept the property. About 30 years later, the irises were still growing out in the front yard, even though no one had tended than all that time. They are expensive to buy, but if you find someone who has some, they will probably happily give you starts from them. They spread every year, and are easy to transplant and grow .
Thank you, Yvonne, sounds like my kind of flower, although I don't think I'll be planting any for now, maybe this fall.
I am kind of excited that I got my hazel nut trees today and my paw paw yesterday. Not flowers but I got them in before the rains. I was out spraying my peach tree tonite so as not to bother pollinators ( with a fungicide not an insecticide) But just now we had a little thunder storm which will have washed everything off. Will keep plugging away at my food forest idea. But I have to start on some flowers too.
We finally got into the orchards yesterday to do the dormant pruning. The ground is still frozen, but there was some green in the prunings. We spent today repairing the winter damage done to the chicken pen, and have started hardening off our plants, both those for sales and the ones we will keep.
I forgot to add that my wife always says spring is here least favorite season because of all the mud. She sure was excited when she found that lemon balm and horehound (especially had sprung up and survived the winter! Horehound has never overwintered for us before. We reckon it is because we got significant snow before it got really cold.
Just wondering have you ever tried eating the flowers? I have never tried it but my mother and my grandmother used to cook flowers from zucchini and squash with eggs.
Have you ever Tried Dwarf Iris Reticulata, I had these one of the first plants to bloom in the spring, They didn't come back this year.A lot of my plants didn't they were trampled on After the fire. Here's a photo from one of the nurseries.
I forgot That they batter/fried them, I never tried them, I remember my Uncle look forward to them. Your a zucchini and squash plants looked great, I hope mine come out half as good, I'm hoping to plant the seeds in about a week.
I had a few of those. They called them tiger eye iris. I thought they were full sized irises when I sent for them. I don't know if they are still alive.
Usually crocus are the first flowers we see in Spring however there have been a few years where the dwarf Iris Bloomed first.