Remember how simple life used to be? The internet has spoiled everything. I am sick and tired of all the political hate, conspiracy theories, and general bullshit that people seem to actually believe. Ignorance is rampant and people don't seem to mind putting it on display, especially from the anonymity of the keyboard. It's gotten so that a person can't comment on the weather without some other idiot starting the 'Orange Man Bad' or 'Old Man Senile' comments. What is wrong with people? What has happened to us? I would like to say /end rant but I'm sure I will have more ranting to do.
It's a legitimate question to ask but I'm not sure the answer is too simple. In the US we had 3 serious television networks in the '60s and the '70s before PBS got the corporate support and direction to cover news. But there were also newspapers, lots of newspapers. Not just outlets of a few corporate empires. So we had competition, checks and balances, and actual journalists. Fast forward into the rise of cable news and death of newspapers. A few powerful machines run everything, masked by layers and layers of nested corporate shells. I doubt the answer is to eschew small "Internet" outlets and just drink the Kool-Aid of the cable news network that strokes your narrative.
We are fortunate to know the before as we experience the after, so we know enough to just put it away, but to young people that's all they know and it's always been this way for them.
It's better understood if you look at the origins of the word "politics". You have the word "poly" from the Greek meaning "many" and "ticks" meaning "bloodsucking critters". Put 'em together and.......
The internet has had an almost uncanny effect on the way people perceive the world. It has brought so much into clear view, and has started people thinking in a different way about so many topics. Also it has been very cleverly used as a propaganda machine by those in politics. The internet is probably the most powerful tool being used to manipulate perceptions and thinking patterns. Power and wealth control most of the media and mostly all the tools of communication. I have been steering clear of internet news lately. It does make me depressed and anxious. Personally I think it makes little difference who is elected to our gov't positions. The candidates rarely stick by their campaign promises. It's like a slap in the face to every voter. We see democrats and republicans both changing party affiliations just to get votes and stay in their cushy jobs. They care little for their constituencies. I will stay away from the voting booths this year. I am changing the way I think about politics. Life is too short to be distracted by the battleground antics of the sociopathic candidates. My vote does not count anyway, given that fair elections are dinosaurs. I will continue to enjoy life and continue to not care who is running for what office.
The internet gives abundance of information on politics So you have the option to pick articles you're interested in reading, However Many of the articles are BS and a waste of time to read. I prefer reading DIY, History, Nature, or neighborhood happenings.
Nothing bores me as much as politics. I can't change the channel fast enough. And those silly "Debates?" They're like two 3 year olds arguing over toys in a sandbox.
Good morning to all- I agree. Thinking deeply about politics and politicians is a waste of time. Politicians are all much the same and mostly just want to impose their will and thinking on others. Now, I do spend time thinking about certain individual politicians who I feel are dangerous and not safe to have in high position where they might do great damage. These particular politicians bear close watching. But overall, I'd say it's better to go sit and watch the birds while drinking a nice glass of iced tea rather than spending time and brainpower contemplating politicians. They ain't worth the time. you all be safe and keep well- Ed
I'm wracking my brain to think of the name of I believe OHIO politician, who has a good reputation....Going back to 80's maybe,, I got it: Dennis Kucinich -- he joined Independent Party in 2024.