The last time we planted a tree a few years ago, which was a large maple tree, we decided to have the Plant Nursery deliver and plant it. They had all the handy dandy equipment to dig the hole and move the tree into place to plant it. We figured we saved on pain relievers, Ben Gay, and recovery days.
It's beautiful! You did a good job. I'd like one more tree in my back yard, maybe a maple to turn red in the fall. One about that size, but I'd be afraid to tackle one that big.
We wanted to find someone to deliver and plant a good-size tree but had no luck. So we settled for a smaller tree but it still kicked our butts. Thanks, Nancy. I'm glad to have it done. I love maple trees but they really make a mess in the fall. Our next door neighbor has a large maple that is a beauty, but it blankets the entire street with leaves this time of year. Oh, and I thought of you today. We ate at a Chinese restaurant that had a huge wall of glass blocks; gorgeous. You are quite the optimist, Tony.
Just for grins, I found this old picture (probably 2005-2010) of our house with the 2 mature oak trees. It looks like a different place. Sorry the photo is dark but you can see how different it looks.
It's difficult to tell from the angle, but the two oaks are on the right, closest to the truck. The other tree in the center of the pic was a big pine that was removed, too. The smallest tree on the left is an oak next to my neighbor's driveway. We built the house in 1994 and the lot had mature trees in the front and back yards; a lot has changed in 30 years.
Today was another work day. We got tree stakes installed for the new tree; I want to make sure that it stays straight until it gets well established. Also planted a shrub and refreshed all the mulch in the front yard beds, trimmed some bushes, cleaned leaves out from behind the garden shed, and repotted a couple of patio plants. Then we got cleaned up and went to a Chinese restaurant for an early dinner.
I should have looked closer at the leaves it is a pine. You had recommend we make a garden out of the area where they removed my shed / garage. We do want to cultivate that spot. We already got 3 potted plants plus our Crape Myrtle has a 2 ft seedling we want to transplant, hopefully we get the energy to get it done before the cold weather.
It's not easy to tell anything about that dark photo! It mostly looks like blurry stuff, haha. You will have fun working in your new garden spot. We will need update pics as you go!
I am identifying with @Jake Smith this morning. I have a followup appointment with my PCP for my high blood pressure and I'm stressing about it so I'm sure it will be sky-high again. My doctor changed my medication a couple of times but I haven't noticed much improvement. I tried taking the statin for about a month but I was getting sore muscles and a definite weakness, plus occasional "flushes" in my face. My cheeks would turn red and I'd get that "hot flash" feeling and break out in a sweat, so I made the executive decision to stop the Crestor. I did wean myself off and not stop cold turkey, but I haven't told my doctor this yet. She gets testy when I make my own health decisions which annoys me to no end. I'm sure she has marked my chart "noncompliant" but I have been called worse. I always participate in decisions about my own health so if she purses her lips at me today then I will be changing doctors in the near future. I was reading recently that up until about 60 years ago, a "normal" BP reading for older patients was considered their age plus 100. Man, that certainly is a huge difference from the 120/80 BS they are pushing today. I guess that calculation didn't sell enough BP meds. If I use the old timey basis I am well inside my acceptable BP. I really don't want to go to the doctor; I feel a confrontation coming on. It would be nice to be 3 years old again so I could lay in the floor and kick my feet. I'd try it now but I'm afraid I'd need help standing back up.
I have been reading that exact same thing about blood pressure being age plus 100. We know that they did this for Cholesterol and BP both, lowering the numbers so that more people could be put on medication. Even diabetic patients used to be treated with diet changes, which work as well (or better) than the medications that they use today for T2 diabetes. I have been listening to Robert Kennedy speaking about health and big pharma drugs, and he is saying that a lot of our health issues could be changed for the better by eating healthy foods, avoiding all the seed oils (which they conveniently call vegetable oil), and using heathy forms of fats, and oils which can be cold processed and not need the high heat extraction, and then chemical bleaching to get out the bad color and taste from burning the oils. I have been following some of the good nutrition experts on X, but i am going to start following more of them now.
Yes, when hubby was told he had high blood pressure and put on meds, I didn't think the bp was that bad. eventually he got off of them. The old rule did not allow for the sale of enough drugs. As a Mary, I have always been contrary. Wonder if there is a name that rhymes with noncompliant.
Your health should always be in your hands @Beth Gallagher and any doctor who doesn't accept that should be left behind. They did change the BP norms in part to sell more drugs just as they did the cholesterol to sell statins. I don't think the BP should necessarily be 10 + your age, as then a 90-year old would be normal at a 190 systole, but there should be some adjustment for age for sure. Don't lay on your back and kick your feet as you might get hauled off for psychiatric therapy.