Another forum I'm on was discussing this interview before it happened, and none (or very few) of those comments were favorable of him. Most of us view Fox as "controlled opposition," with Brett being no exception. Regarding Joe Rogan's potential interview, no one thinks anything of substance will happen in any venue, and that if she goes on Rogan, he's been compromised somehow and it will be a softball interview with the questions agreed upon beforehand.
Yahoo, that Bastion of All Things Liberal, reports that Kamala was "ambushed" by Baier. Nice spin, Yahoo... unfortunately some of us were watching.
There is talk that Baier's interview was "with permission," and is the opening salvo for the media to start blaming her personally (and not corrupt Communistic ideas) for the upcoming loss.
The mainstream news “word of the day”. Is “testy”, and used by every single one of them to refer to Harris interview on Fox yesterday. Just do a search with whatever SE you use, and put in the words Kamala/testy , and you will get whole pages of all the news sources saying that about the interview. It is always pretty obvious that all msm news is programmed with what to say about anything , and this is certainly a good example of that. Another reason I like to use online news which has differing opinions and news stories than the always-in-lockstep mainstream news sources. If you read the articles, most of them blame her testiness on Bret Bair, although he was very easy-going and only asked regular questions, and not the “gotcha” type ones that are often asked of Trump or Vance by reporters and interviewers.
I read before the interview that the Harris campaign demanded editing privileges on the interview. I don't know if that is true, but if it is true, then what you saw was the edited version and her biggest problems were taken out.
I think that it just ended up being a very short interview, and after the 60 Minute fiasco (which they are now being sued for , I think?), Fox was probably pretty careful to release the full transcript. Bret stated that the interview was supposed to have started at 5, and gone for a half hour, then be edited and shown on the news at 6 PM. He said Harris did not show up until about 5:17, and then her people were waving at him to end the interview at around the 15 minute mark, because it was already doing so badly, and Harris was so upset and out of control. They literally forced him to end the interview, and he still had other questions that were never even asked. Not that this mattered a lot, because all she did was ignore the question, and then go on and on with her TDS rants.
I'll just say that it seems that "fair and balanced" often leans over backwards to keep from offending the other side. Also it is well known that the ownership is now very liberal. There are people there that are very good along with people I wouldn't watch if they were the only "news" channel available. Anyway, my time spent there is just a fraction of what it was when it first started. My opinion of Bret is best described by an old southern saying. He wouldn't say s--- if he had a mouthful. But, I will concede that he probably did a better job with that interview that I first thought. Apparently, he was being harassed by Kamala's staff while on the air.
The only reason the Left keeps harping on Fox News as being on the far Right is to encourage people to consider anything to the right of Fox News as being too crazy even to consider. It's just more of moving the lines to the Left.
If so, it doesn't seem to be helping her much. Of course, she might be even worse without the cheating.