Diet Coke Anyone

Discussion in 'Food & Drinks' started by Martin Alonzo, Apr 28, 2016.

  1. Martin Alonzo

    Martin Alonzo Supreme Member

    Mar 7, 2015
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    Aspartame Poisoning – Do You Have The Symptoms
    Posted on April 28, 2016 by Soren Dreier
    Author: Yvonne Holterman

    How much aspartame are you consuming in your daily life? Are you getting symptoms of aspartame poisoning?
    Aspartame is marketed as a diet product, but it is not a diet product at all. In fact, it will cause you to GAIN weight because it makes you crave carbohydrates.
    The woman in this story, who remains anonymous, is the sister of a writer who was featured on Rhonda Gessner’s blog. We hope her story will serve as a warning to anyone who consumes diet drinks with the ingredient aspartame.
    The woman began to get very ill in 2001. It started with stomach spasms; she had so much pain that she had a hard time walking around and even getting out of bed. She had several biopsies done to determine what was wrong with her. Doctors couldn’t give her a definite diagnosis, but they suspected she might have multiple sclerosis (MS).
    By March of 2002 she was on 24 different kinds of prescription medications and had to be in a wheelchair. She was in so much pain and felt so sick that she actually felt death was close. She began her final preparations, putting her home, bank accounts, and life insurance in her older daughter’s name, and making sure her younger kids would be taken care of.
    Finally she planned a trip to Florida so she could have one last getaway. Her trip was scheduled for March 22nd. Her sister called on March 19th to ask about her test results. During the conversation, her sister recalled an article she had read about the dangers of aspartame poisoning. She asked the woman if she ever drank diet soda.
    The woman responded that she did, and was about to have one that very moment! Her sister told her not to drink it ever again and emailed her the article about aspartame poisoning. Shortly thereafter, the woman called her sister with astonishing news – she had stopped drinking the diet soda and, only 32 hours later, she was able to walk again and no longer had muscle spasms!
    When she got to Florida, she was no longer taking her myriad of prescription pills and only had to take one pill for aspartame poisoning. She ended up making a full recovery!
    Aspartame is being marketed around the world as a sugar substitute and is found in all diet soft drinks, such as Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi. It is also found in artificial sweeteners such as NutraSweet, Equal, and Spoonful; and it is used in many other products as a sugar replacement.
    Aspartame is marketed as a diet product, but it is not a diet product at all. In fact, it will cause you to GAIN weight because it makes you crave carbohydrates.
    Causing you to gain weight is only a very small part of what Aspartame does. Aspartame is a toxic chemical that changes the brain’s chemistry. It can and does cause severe seizures. This chemical changes the dopamine level in the brain, and it is particularly deadly for anyone suffering from Parkinson’s diseases.
    Aspartame is extremely poisonous, and here is why. One of the toxic ingredients of Aspartame is wood alcohol. When the temperature of Aspartame exceeds 86 degrees F, the wood alcohol in the Aspartame is converted to formaldehyde, and then to formic acid, which in turn causes metabolic acidosis.
    Formaldehyde is grouped in the same class of poisons as Cyanide and Arsenic – which are very deadly toxins. The only difference is… Formaldehyde kills quietly, and it takes a little longer. And, in the process of killing people, it causes all kinds of neurological problems.
    There are 92 documented symptoms of Aspartame Poisoning leading to coma and death. The majority of these symptoms are neurological, because the Aspartame attacks and destroys the nervous system. Some of the symptoms of Aspartame Poisoning are covered below.
    One of these symptoms is Lupus, which has become almost as rampant as Multiple Sclerosis, especially with Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi drinkers
  2. Sheldon Scott

    Sheldon Scott Supreme Member

    Mar 13, 2015
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    This has been known for years but companies keep adding it to their products, keep advertising it as diet and people keep buying it.
  3. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I used to drink diet coke; but after reading what it can do to a person; I stopped drinking any kind of soda pop. Every now and then, I would have pop along with a meal, and within a few hours, my feet will be swollen and hurt like they are about to split open. My joints ache, and it is hard for me to walk or bend over.
    I have decided that even an occasional one is bad for me if it will cause that much pain and discomfort that fast.

    I have a sodastream, and I can make carbonated water, which seems to help that craving for a carbonated drink, and otherwise, I will just drink ice water.
    I have just been reading about the benefits of structured water, and I am going to start drinking that. It changes the composition of water and gives it a negative charge, which is supposed to be beneficial to your body.
    There are all kinds of expensive systems that will make structured water; but it looks to me like just putting water and ice in the blender will also do the same thing, from what I was reading; so I am testing that out .
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2016
    Krissttina Isobe likes this.
  4. K E Gordon

    K E Gordon Veteran Member

    Apr 23, 2016
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    Diet coke is far from a health food, but I don't think one or two a week is that bad for you, unless you might be suspectible to the effects of it. I don't think it is something anyone should drink to excess, and I do limit the amount of it I am drinking due to what you mentioned up above. I tend to drink water and tea a lot more often now. Let's face it, if you look hard enough you can find something wrong with nearly everything you eat or drink. I don't tend to worry so much, as long as I am healthy.
    Krissttina Isobe likes this.
  5. Frank Sanoica

    Frank Sanoica Supreme Member

    Feb 21, 2016
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    Just a few very significant points missed: When Aspartame was being promoted for "General Use", the head of the Food and Drug Administration opposed passage of such use. He worried about the issue of safety. His tenure was suddenly stripped, as he had vigorously voiced opposition to Aspartame. His replacement, please keep in mind that these are very HIGH governmental positions, quickly APPROVED Aspartame for General Use in foods.

    How did this absolute reversal of policy happen? Simple. Donald Rumsfeld had the previous FDA Director relieved of his position, and instituted the new one, who approved. Now, WTF did Donald Rumsfeld, as Secretary of Defense, have to do with artificial sweeteners?

    He was a Board Member of the company proposing to use Aspartame in widespread use! I forget the company, it's unimportant now, but obviously, this is one of those instances where "public health" concern expressed via U.S. Government influence is patent bullshit! Aspartame is very clearly not SAFE, IMO, as it's first metabolic reduction within the human body is METHANOL, Wood Alcohol, the stuff dreaded by "hooch" drinkers during Prohibition, thousands of whom went blind from imbibing.

    Ah, but alas, POWER prevailed. Look at labels. Aspartame is now used in an inordinately wide variety of foods, even those not necessarily needing "sweetening".


    Edit: How much stock do you suppose Donald Rumsfeld holds in Aspartame?
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2016
  6. Krissttina Isobe

    Krissttina Isobe Veteran Member

    Aug 28, 2015
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    What an eye opener and I'm glad you all posted about aspartame! I bought it at Walmart and use it for my sugar a lot before till I saw Dr. Oz show about what safer sugar substitutes to buy that's safer for you such as Steevia and Monk fruit. I stopped buying aspartame and after reading your post I'm glad I stopped drinking aspartame. Thank you for your post and Dr. Oz too for his show on sugar substitutes!
  7. Andie Nuckels

    Andie Nuckels Veteran Member

    Apr 20, 2016
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    I too am off the aspartame train and for many of the reasons that @Martin Alonzo mentions above. When I retired a few months ago, I vowed to get healthy and the first thing I did was toss the diet cokes and the splenda packets that I was using in my coffee every morning. Not only does my stomach not hurt any more, I am also losing weight and no longer have the cravings I used to. It's a great feeling to actually crave water and to feel the results. Thanks for sharing this information and hopefully many more people will read it.
    Yvonne Smith likes this.
  8. Shirley Martin

    Shirley Martin Supreme Member

    Jun 9, 2015
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    I've been using aspartame for a long, long time and I'm probably healthier that any of the rest of you.
    Frank Sanoica likes this.
  9. Frank Sanoica

    Frank Sanoica Supreme Member

    Feb 21, 2016
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    Ha! I hoped someone might say that, for I must now admit that I, too, have used it a long time, and still do. But not to look like a hypocrite, I remain fearful of the stuff. Back when cyclamates were in vogue, I drank gallons of Tab. Splenda? Supposedly safe, that's denied by many.

    Shirley, you must remember that aspartame has not been OK'd for general use a very long time, I don't think. 1981. Yeah, pretty long already. FWIW the maximum acceptable daily lifetime dose is called out as 40mg/kg of body weight. So, at 70 kg I can eat 2.8 g a day safely. That's about the daily salt intake allowed.
  10. Martin Alonzo

    Martin Alonzo Supreme Member

    Mar 7, 2015
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    I don’t want to play Russian roulette things like cancer normally take years before they are detected.
    When the diet drink companies voluntarily take aspartame out of there drinks when it is cheaper than sugar do they know something?
    Even the government studies show a lot of problems with it.
    As far as the FDA who is owned and paid for by the pharmaceutical industry saying anything is OK is a joke most of the drugs they approve all have side effects and some kill near ½ million people [Vioxx]
    Sheldon Scott and Yvonne Smith like this.
  11. Frank Sanoica

    Frank Sanoica Supreme Member

    Feb 21, 2016
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    "January 1981-- Donald Rumsfeld, CEO of Searle, states in a sales meeting that he is going to make a big push to get aspartame approved within the year. Rumsfeld says he will use his political pull in Washington, rather than scientific means, to make sure it gets approved."

    The deeper I dig, the more frightened I get! Frank
  12. Teresita Campaner

    Teresita Campaner Veteran Member

    Feb 11, 2015
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    I'd rather use sugar than aspartame or any artificial sweetener. When sugar is used in moderation as part of a normal, balanced diet, it is perfectly safe.
    Frank Sanoica likes this.
  13. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Some cities are now starting to put an extra tax on soda pop, both sugar-sweetened and sugar-free versions of flavors. Thus far, it appears that Philadelphia and Berkely , California are the only places where the laws have passed; but there are over 30 other cities which have either talked about passing the same kind of tax on soda pop, or tried to pass it and it failed.
    One of the interesting things is the reasoning behind why it failed to pass, and that is because they say that it affects the poor people, who drink more sugary pop.
    Bobby and I have both talked about how much pop a lot of poor people drink, and since they can buy pop with food stamps, it is actually spending money that could have been used to buy some healthier kind of food.

    If you try to buy vitamins or any kind of health supplements, they cannot be purchased with food stamps; but if you want to buy worthless foods like pop and candy, you can use food stamps. It almost seems like they are trying to keep poor people unhealthy sometimes !
    New York tried to limit the size of bottle of soda pop that people could buy, and there was a huge objection and this didn't work out.
    While I think that raising the price of soda pop and having people drink less of it would be a good idea; I do not think that making any kind of laws about what people can buy in the way of food/drinks, is something that should happen.
    Once the government starts regulating our food purchases, who knows what might be next.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2016
  14. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I know that I am going to get slammed for this, particularly by those who will insist on turning it into a blanket statement referring to everyone who is poor, but many people who are poor are so because they make bad choices (yes, I know; not all), so no one should assume that they will make better choices in what they spend government money on than on what they might do with their own money.

    There is also the fact that healthy food is generally far more expensive than cheap food, so those without a lot of money may genuinely be unable to afford to buy healthier options. I can remember a steady diet of Top Ramen, for example.
  15. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I agree with what you are saying, @Ken Anderson ,and that is actually what I was trying to say as well. People who don't make good choices with their own money are not apt to make any better choices when the money is from the government programs. Raising the price on the food item is probably not going to stop someone from buying it, they just won't have as much left for other food now.
    As we have talked about in some of the other threads, some people choose to live on government welfare rather than work and earn money, even though they are able to do that. Other people don't have a choice, and aren't able to work; so there is a mixture of both; and the information that people are given about food is not always the best either.
    One lady we knew, who was diagnosed with cancer, was told by her doctor that she was as well off to eat all the ice cream that she wanted , as opposed to milk, yogurt or cottage cheese.
    Even though she would probably have died anyway, I think that eating a healthier diet would have at least helped her to have a better quality of life while she did live. And since cancer cells feed on sugar, simply cutting some of the soda pop and ice cream out of her diet might have even helped her to live longer.
    I think that educating people about healthy foods is a better plan than just taxing the foods.
    The tax in Philadelphia is about 1.5 cents per ounce, so that would make a 2-liter bottle of pop cost almost a dollar more than it does now.

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