When I had panic attacks they were the "I'm gonna die though I don't know why" type. Melatonin was a horror for me then. It made fatigue very strong but did nothing to change the feeling I might just stop breathing if I fell asleep. So now I had two problems. I still have some but rarely use it anymore. The panic attacks are under control but I also don't have trouble with insomnia. I'll take it now and then because it's shelf life isn't infinite and I'd like to take advantage of any additional therapeutic benefits rather than let it go to waste.
I was thinking that it might help Jake with the blood pressure going up whenever he has to go to the doctor or dentist. I do not know if it would help for something like that or not, because i have never used melatonin except at night, but it does have a calming effect, so I thought it might hep him. If he tries some when he is not going to the doctor, he can see what effect it has on him, and go from there. I can see why it might be scary if a person thought they were about to die, and the melatonin was making you groggy !
Yes Andrea, I guess that could be a positive since it will be over sooner. Then again, I'll be up at 4am so maybe not? Sometimes we do go to a lounge although it has been a while, we seldom go anyway. Last visit was amature night and it was more like the Gong Show than music performers, bless their heart they enjoyed themselves. I just wish they would have picked better songs to mess up.
Thanks for telling us; Yvonne, I'm just waiting until I get over the new purchase of my tractor, but will be ordering some soon. Hopefully it will help me, with sleep, and anxiety too. After I get some and try it I will be letting you know the results. I ordered some "Yvonne", will be here Friday, I ordered it right after posting this, so I'm editing this.
Do you tolerate Benadryl well? It is still pretty cheap generically though I know some suspect a link to Alzheimer's. Hydroxyzine (Vistaril, Atarax) is a similar antihistamine, but its use for anxiety isn't off-label and prescriptions are easier to get than for something like Xanax. Then there is Phenibut (Anvifen), but now we are off in the weeds.
Off in the weeds. I didn't know that benadryl was for anxiety, Jacob. I know when Marie has an allergic reaction, to our animals, she takes it. I've never taken any; so not sure what it does; as far as any reactions to me.
From Drugs.com... Why do I feel anxious after taking Benadryl? One of the most common side effects with Benadryl is drowsiness, but in some people it can have the opposite effect, known as paradoxical excitation. Instead of feeling sleepy, you may experience excitation, agitation or insomnia (trouble sleeping), which might make your anxiety symptoms feel worse.
@Jake Smith most people experience drowsiness from Benadryl (diphenhydramine). That is why it is in most OTC sleeping meds. Only a few people experience stimulation from it. Melatonin is almost universally relaxing, but the duration and dose required can vary dramatically. Try extended release forms of melatonin such as this as a starter if you have questions. Efficacy can vary dramatically as well among brands, so if one brand doesn't work, try another or try a different dosage.
Thanks, Don, good advice; from the different reactions of it, that I have read here, it's not probably for everyone; but I will give it a try, and adjust or try a different one, until something works. Can't be much worse than walking around all night, filling like this is it. Like old Fred Sanford, used to say.
We got the Melatonin gummies today.10 mil. so may just take half first time. Thanks y'all for advice.
I don't know if I have night 'phobia' but I do LOVE THE LONGER DAYLIGHT HOURS! I think a lot of it for me is it also means warmer weather and evenings which I love.
I like the longer daylight hours, too, even if I am not outside as much as in the warmer weather. I was out in my zero gravity recliner in the sunshine today, soaking up sunshine and vitamin D, and I really enjoyed it. Until it gets too cold or wet weather, I hope to do this at least several times a week, if not every day.
am in Dread of the time change and long dark COLDER days, I turned my wall heater on yesterday 10/25 and today for 30 minnutes each time....My bill reflecting this "turn on" will be interesting... I added a layer last night for warmer sleeping, a courdroy shirt... Got the heating pad on my bed turned on a couple weeks ago.