I bought a couple of touch lamp adapters from EBay. These convert any metal lamp into a 3-way touch lamp. The one I've had for years finally bit the dust, and Lowe's no longer stocks them.
Took a page from Beth, and ordered a Immersion vitamix blender. We like mango's and eat a few pieces everyday. Now,I'm going to make mango smoothies.
I just ordered another insulated kitty igloo , and this will be for Kitten Little to sleep in and keep her warm in the winter .
I think we have chatted about this before, about the stray kitten that showed up on our porch ? Anyway, we have 2 dogs, Poodle is my dog, and Rusty is Bobby’s dog. Last winter, we started putting out food and cushions for the stray cats to have a place to sleep and some food and water. This spring, one of those strays showed up with her kittens, which were wild as anything, and gradually, they have gotten used to us and become porch cats, although they still insist that they are Wild Cats, and not house cats. When Kitten Little showed up last month, she was so tiny that we kept her inside after we could finally catch her, so now she is an inside-outside cat and spends time both places, but is inside overnight because it is so cold and she is so little.
Extra camera for our security system which is self monitored by our phones It’s exactly the same as this https://www.eufy.com/au/products/t8...MIlOyChZaZigMVAxuDAx0lNxJvEAQYBiABEgKngfD_BwE I got it from Amazon $189
I got my Vitamix immersion blender late yesterday evening. It's Niiiice! It's 10 times better than the Mueller brand that I have that will be heading to the Goodwill. I made a mango smoothie to test drive it this afternoon. The immersion blender did a great job. It has lots of power and gets the job done with no fuss. My mango smoothie was smooth, creamy, and delicious! Two thumbs up to Beth for recommeding it.
Yes, it is a reaIly nice and has lots of power. I did not get any attachments. I bought the single vitamix blender(144.99) without attachments since I have never used the whisk or the little frother whisk that came with my Mueller blender. I have other little whisks that attaches to my hand mixer and whisks that came with my Bosch stand mixer.
I got 2 new cutting boards. One for cutting up raw meat and another for cooked. My old ones are all used up and done for. I also got a new mircoplane grater for grating fresh parmesan cheese and a new apple slicer. I'm such a kitchen tool and gadget junkie. I need a 12 step program.
Same here. I ordered 2 new paring knives, a small food masher, and a Staub "deep" 5 qt dutch oven that I found a killer deal on. (Thanks for starting the dutch oven discussion, @John Brunner . ) Here's the DO; it is $543 at Macy's but I found it on a kitchen store website on sale for $149 with free shipping and no sales tax. This style is narrower in width but taller than a regular dutch oven. I see they have the 7 qt regular DO on sale for $189! I had not heard of the business before but apparently they have been around for a while... https://www.gygi.com/