I'm Too Skinny, Can't Gain

Discussion in 'Health & Wellness' started by Marie Mallery, Dec 30, 2024.

  1. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    I'm losing too much, past several years not eating carbs or much of anything. I'm not a meat eater much at all, and never had insulin or meds diabetic so very few carbs.
    Maybe I'll try nuts and eggs. I don't like avocados at all. I look best at 130-5, last few years down to 108 and most of that is a little muscle from lifting weight when sugar is high.
    If I got sick I'd be in trouble.
    Open sandwich with beef, turkey or chicken lots of peanut butter on a few crackers, once or twice weekly pot pie.I usually eat lots of ice cream;'lift weights for that' with cocoa powder stirred in.oatmeal in am with fruit bars, yogurt.
    Any suggestions?
  2. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    I had that problem until I hit my 30s. I didn't break 120# when I graduated high school. I tried gaining weight by eating 6 meals a day. The more I ate the less I weighed. My doctor at the time said I was fine and offered to prescribe something to slow down my metabolism. I did not gain weight until I started bike riding. Dunno if that were muscle (weight lifting never added mass) or somehow regulating my metabolism differently. Since I hit my 50s, I've been over my ideal weight by 30# or so.

    Is this weight loss sudden (meaning maybe a medical issue)? If the lack of carbs is causing an under-weight issue, is there a reason you don't add some back to your diet? (I can't recall if you have a blood sugar issue.)

    Based upon my experience, I wonder if getting a used stationary bike (or even a real cycle) might help get some cardio-vascular exercise in your routine.
  3. Hedi Mitchell

    Hedi Mitchell Supreme Member

    Mar 18, 2017
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    Yeep, you need to get advice from your doctor!
    Marie Mallery and Nancy Hart like this.
  4. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
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    Mar 6, 2018
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    @Marie Mallery I too think you should consult a doc. Sudden weight loss can be a sign of bad things...or nothing at all. It is best to find out, then decide what course you should take.
    Marie Mallery likes this.
  5. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Insulin is the fat storing hormone, so when you eat healthy carbs like legumes, or starchy veggies like potatoes and winter squash, your insulin will come up, but slowly, and it will use the carbs you need for fuel, and store the rest of them as fat.
    Fast digesting carbs, like fruit and ice cream raise your insulin fast, but since you exercise right away, they might just use up those carbs for fuel and not store any.

    It you do not like good protein foods, like meat and legumes, you might try adding a whey protein shake along with your meals, or even in between meals.

    If you use whey protein supplement, and add milk and blend it yourself, then you can add a little bit of coconut oil, bananas, dates, and other fruit like that.
    It will give you some good protein to build muscle and also healthy carbs that digest slowly.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2024
    Marie Mallery likes this.
  6. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    When I got called up to the Navy to go to Boot Camp/Basic Training, I weighed 98 pounds. I was told at Basic, "Putting on weight is much easier than taking it off", so I didn't get a Medical Discharge for low weight. Instead, I did gain weight, but not as much as I wanted to. I didn't really gain weight much until I turned 50. Then it started coming on, but in my belly area. I don't have anything like a "beer belly", but I do have a belly.

    Last year, due to losing my appetite from two molar teeth extractions, I lost some 30 pounds way too quickly. Part of the reason I was admitted into a hospital for a couple of days. When my appetite came back (thank God), so did the 30 pounds. I'm now at 188 at 6 foot/1 inch. I could lose a little more, but I love to eat too much. LOL
    Marie Mallery likes this.
  7. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    Don, I have been bony for years now, its my diet for diabetes, but I do need to gain so I put up this thread to remind me to eat more.
    We put a turkey in the oven and I cooked lots of brown rice yesterday and froze it in containers. So I hope to be eating more, I also stay too busy, just an hour ago i went vine hunting and have Jake another huge pile to drag off.
    I know this isn't going to last much longer, especially since I smoked for 63 years now, So I push myself really hard.
    I have to watch for snakes now, mama got bit by one when I was 11, almost lost her leg, she also got shot in the chest by a thug stray bullet. still had that bullet right under the skin in her left shoulder when she passed.
    Then I got shot in the head by a drug pusher. ER doctors laughed once they realized I was ok, said, 'I'm aorry but I've heard of parting someone's hair down the middle but never thought I'd see it first-hand' it is harder to part my hair on the side since. I picked pieces of skull out of top of my head for months. I was extra lucky it wasn't lower. Daughter met this girl at church, but her dad was a drug pusher in above middle-class n-hood. Nobody had a clue he was who he was.
    I don't want to get snake bit too, but I am careful, just can't see good.
    Don Alaska and Yvonne Smith like this.
  8. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    I think I may just try to gain muscle since I can't gain fat, being skinnt is not as good as some say. Not good for skin, or the fat that protects the bones from injury.
    After learning what is in Boost [thanks Yvonne] I may try the other weight gain drink.
    Don Alaska likes this.
  9. Krystal Shay

    Krystal Shay Very Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2022
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    Being too skinny has never been my problem.:rolleyes: But I do understand that skinny people are as frustrated by not being able to gain weight, just as heavier people are that can't lose the weight.
  10. Mary Robi

    Mary Robi Veteran Member

    Nov 4, 2018
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    Marie, if you send me your address, I'll be glad to send some of my pounds over your way....LOL. I've lost 50 pounds in the past year but I still would like to take at least another 15 off. The clinical trial I was on for my liver took the 50 off, but now I'm finished with the trial and it's back to struggling to keep them off.

    I never had a problem with weight until later in life. And then, Katy bar the door.
    Don Alaska and Marie Mallery like this.
  11. Silver Begay

    Silver Begay Active Member

    Jan 2, 2025
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    Talk to your doctor. Weight loss for no apparent reason is many times is an indication of cancer and not just digestive tract cancers.
    Don Alaska and Marie Mallery like this.
  12. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
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    Mar 6, 2018
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    I was thinking the exact same thing @Silver Begay @Marie Mallery. It could be nothing at all, or something easily cured like parasites, but it is definitely something to get reviewed.
    Yvonne Smith and Marie Mallery like this.
  13. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    Thank you, Silver, but this was self-inflicted, I did this to myself over past several years treating diabetes without meds, just diet and exercise. Now I trying to gain back some but only thing I gained was a couple inches in the stomach.:oops:
    I'll try to some those weight gain drinks like Yvonne and others here were suggesting. I bought Boost, after Yvonne telling me the ingredients, I'll try something else.
    Yvonne Smith and Beth Gallagher like this.
  14. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    Well don if I'm wormy those suckers shood be pretty hungry.:D.
  15. Krystal Shay

    Krystal Shay Very Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2022
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    I think hyperthyroidism can cause weight loss too, right?:confused:
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2025 at 4:25 PM
    Yvonne Smith and Marie Mallery like this.

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