I tend to believe in the normal cycles of our planet in which weather patterns change and then repeat themselves in cycles. I think our greatest environmental problems stem from pollution and carelessness from unnecessary use of certain chemicals and equipment that is not properly cared for. The weather does concern me none the less with the terrible storms that destroy peoples homes and take lives, but again there have always been bad storms in many areas of the United States upper and lower regions that get hit by hurricanes and flooding, wildfires and droughts. (Around all the world too). Seems it is always too much rain or drought conditions. At least lives are saved with better radar and warning systems, that warn people of approaching storms although not always reliable or people who just tend to pretend the warnings are nonsense. But what are your thoughts on this topic? Do you think it's something new to fear or just another way to scare people and make money off of new contraptions that in the long run are more of a pollution problem then what they replaced, like those new light bulbs?
I think the climate change is for real. This is based on my personal observation. In the olden days, you are considered rich if you own an electric fan. But now it is almost impossible not to have an electric fan at home for surely the heat will rob you of your sleep. That's why rich people have their air conditioners for comfort. On the other side of the pole, it is pouring when it rains as if there is no moderation anymore. Flooding has become a common occurrence. I'd say the extreme weather is getting to be a reality regardless of the warnings. But the hype I don't agree with is the earthquake drill as if the big earthquake is predicted although the government agency leading the drill denies the prediction (since there is no way to predict an earthquake). So I can say that those hype on earthquake drills is one way to scare people.
The Earth has been steadily getting warmer since the last ice age which was about 15,000 years ago. When so much water was locked up in glaciers the water level in the oceans was much lower. All over the world scientists have discovered ancient cities off the coasts that are under various depths of the ocean. Those cities weren't built under water, they were built when the water level was lower. If the Earth keeps warming the water level will keep rising and more cities along coastlines will be flooded. Instead of learning from history, people just want to find something or someone to blame.
I don't believe in global warming. I do believe the weather and everything else in this Universe and on our earth is preceding just as God Biblically said it would from the beginning of creation to the end of days when Christ returns. I'm not surprised by the strange weather happenings or any of the other things that are happening on earth or the Universe as Biblical prophecy has said all this would happen and will continue to happen until Christ returns.
I do believe in global climate change and this change is showing up on other planets so is it man made? I think we do things that cause some change but not all. There is a scientist that showed using grazing animals they could reverse the deserts into grass land which would reverse any harm that we have done. Any of these volcanoes put more into the air than all the cars or trucks. The only reason they want to claim it to be manmade is for another tax which will not fix the problem but make the tax collectors rich. If you want to know the solution ask the sun it has more influence than man.
Climate change is what the planet does for a living. The history of the planet is one of climate change. Long before man invented the combustion engine, the earth had experienced glacial periods followed to periods of global warming. If our "leaders" were truly concerned about man's effect on the climate, I'd think they'd stop dropping bombs on people and supporting corporations that pollute the planet. Man-made climate change is a power grab, and nothing more.
I love the books that help tell people like me how to understand things like my computer and math, and questions about science. You know books for dummies. Here is a video on global warming.
Here is one more that says we have climate change but it is not manmade. What do you think this is an interesting subject.
Even though I "like" your post, I disagree with your premise to an extent. Yes, though human activity has been involved in "burning" fossil fuels only a relatively short time compared to the Earth's historical age, my gut feel is that the incredibly enormous amount of heat generated during the human existence "MUST" have had an effect on the overall balance of cyclical annual thermal events. Frank
I think the subject is interesting food for thought. At first it was the fumes from cars and by-products from factories that produces carbon monoxide which is very poisonous, but then they wanted to include carbon that is ( Carbon dioxide (chemical formula CO2) is a colorless and odorless gas vital to life on Earth.) There is a company called HAARP that is working with the government in trying to control the weather cycles using manmade heat cones that push hot air and maybe chemicals up into the outer layers of the atmosphere. You can read about this program at: http://www.globalresearch.ca/haarp-...er-modification-electromagnetic-warfare/20407 I don't know if it's true but I don't think regular humans have caused a great damage to the earth's natural cycles but big business and others that have polluted the planet and are trying to convince us with the idea of limiting carbon dioxide. It is nice to know what other's think about this and gives a chance to add your two cents.
The people pushing global warming idea are the same people at Bilderberg they own the media and press. There was a scientist on the air the other day and he wants to study mice reproduction and of course they said no money for the research. He put in the study once again how global warming effects negatively mice reproduction and they said how much money do you need. That is just how blatant that they go out of their way to promote their deception.
It is funny that these climate experts, telling us how the earth temperature is changing and yet cannot get the weekly weather forecast right.
If they finally admit it was only a tax grab they will lose all that money. next they will charge for breathing air or drinking water no they already charge you for water.