Caption says it all! War can be scary to some. However, it is nothing compared to the creatures you find in the jungles of Vietnam.
@Gary Ridenour Geez! Impressive! We got Gila Monsters here, bright orange and black, AND venomous, but dang me, in 25 years+ of scouring these desert areas I've yet to run into one. It is illegal here to molest or otherwise disturb them. But, hell, if one bit onto my anatomy, I'd sure disturb him a bit! Frank
@Gary Ridenour Check this out! Harmless snakes, a number of which mimic coral's colors, as protection.
I beg to differ, Frank. If a hila monster bit you, you would probably be dead before you could disturb him.
According to the National Zoo, the Gila monster’s venom is roughly equal to that of the diamondback rattlesnake, but a relatively small amount of venom is usually introduced in a Gila monster bite.
@Gary Ridenour Wonderful! If you watch carefully, Bogart's breathing rate is about 4 times normal, after presumably no exertion. His lungs were likely already shot by then.
We are luck here as we have no poisons snakes but we do have tarantulas but they usually don’t bother anyone one night I went out and killed 15 just around the house. We also have black and brown widow spiders and they are common. As yet I have never heard of anyone being bitten.