Are You Sometimes Just Too Old Fashioned?

Discussion in 'Family & Relationships' started by Cody Fousnaugh, Dec 6, 2016.

  1. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    Just be true to yourself @Cody Fousnaugh. There's nothing wrong with coloring your hair or having all the new gadgets, etc. if that's what you really want and are happy with. If y'all enjoy "keeping up with the Jones" and can afford to do that then there's nothing wrong with that either. It's okay to be you whoever and however you may be. But it's also okay to be "old fashioned", not want the latest fads and fancies, and not give a hoot whether someone likes you just as you are or not. :)
    Patsy Faye and Honey Gee like this.
  2. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    WOW, we are impressed!

    Anyway, we had a nice, "top of the line" digital camera we bought in 2005. The flip-down screen on the back stopped working and the camera wasn't compatible with our new computer or Windows 10, so we bought a new digital camera. The new one was cheaper, but more complicated than the old one. However, completely compatible with the new computer and Windows 10. Donated the old camera to a photo studio that has photo classes.
    This wasn't a "keeping up with the Jones" thing, but was a "we need" thing. We love taking photos.
  3. Frank Sanoica

    Frank Sanoica Supreme Member

    Feb 21, 2016
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    FWIW, I AM old-fashioned. I buy my clothes at Goodwill, wear them until they "rot-off", then cut them up for rags for working on the car. The rotting-off garb I do not wear in public. Pretentiousness have I not. Worry about strangers' impression of one's appearance is totally vain, IMO. Think I'm wrong? Then, compare my contention with the apparition I saw today, ready to enter a casino:


    Would you eat food served, or prepared by him? Accept your own daughter's complete dedication to him? Be able to live with yourself as being totally accepting of the change of traditional mores? Understand or accept, "why"?

    This is American "freedom"? I need a break.
  4. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    Well @Frank Sanoica that there is a whole different subject. It has been said" "Never judge a book by its cover." But I can honestly admit that I would have a hard time even opening the "book" above to see if I would really like it our not. I don't understand what would cause anybody to do what that guy in the picture has done to his body....but I don't really have the right to tell him what to do with it and if that makes him happy then great for him. It doesn't make me happy to look at him like that and I am glad that all my daughters' are already married to men I know will never do anything like that to theirselves. :) While I wouldn't mind him standing as an "art object" in a museum, I'd have a hard time sitting next to him at dinner, etc. But that doesn't mean that somewhere underneath all that stuff he has done to himself, there isn't a fine young man. I just don't think I could get past the outer stuff to look for that fine young man. I know alot of young people are doing stuff like this to their bodies now days(although that guy has taken it to the extreme) but I don't like it and I don't have to like it.

    The World has definitely changed, for that matter America has definitely changed too....and not for the better in my opinion. I really can't do much about that except stand up when I don't agree with the changes that are going to affect my life or my Familys'. For instance...if that guy in the picture tried to make me do the same thing to my body then we would have a real problem.

    For me being "old fashioned" just means being true to myself and what my values and beliefs are...and living them out in my personal and public life. Maybe the guy in the picture believes he is being true to himself too. :)
    Patsy Faye likes this.
  5. Ike Willis

    Ike Willis Supreme Member

    Jul 9, 2015
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    Compared to everyone I know, I guess I'm old fashioned. I refuse to own or carry a cell phone. I get upset if my landline rings more than once a day. If radio programs like those in the pre-TV days were still on the air, I would buy the best radio I could get, and seldom turn on TV.
    I could be perfectly happy with a brand new auto or truck built exactly like those of the 1940-'50's. I still dress like I did in the 1950's.
    35mm cameras suited me just fine. Still miss the one's I had.
    I truly hate today's space age looking, part metal, part poly something/fiber firearms. The only gun I still have is an old Colt detective special, made in 1946. All steel, wood grips. Still tight, works great. I can't even keep that here.
    But, I only have to endure it for a couple more years, most likely.:)
  6. Patsy Faye

    Patsy Faye Supreme Member

    Nov 21, 2015
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    @Babs Hunt - I wouldn't open the book either - sometimes appearances says it all
  7. Patsy Faye

    Patsy Faye Supreme Member

    Nov 21, 2015
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    @Ike Willis - with you all the way you ol son of a gun :p
    Ina I. Wonder and Ike Willis like this.
  8. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    @Ike Willis It sounds to me like you know who are and what you believe, are perfectly comfortable with that, and don't give a hoot what anyone else thinks about it. You are one authentic person for sure and a fantastic story teller! :)
  9. Patsy Faye

    Patsy Faye Supreme Member

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Agree ! :)
    Ike Willis likes this.
  10. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    We, generally, don't like tattoos and definitely not body piercings. My wife was thrilled when she found out that I had neither, when we met. We don't acknowledge a person that looks like that. To us, too much Satan in the person!

    We've got two storage bins full of old/used towels and t-shirts that I've worn out.

    A lot of the "ways of today" sure aren't the "ways of the Baby Boomers and earlier". But, a lot of the "ways of today" just have to be accepted or not accepted/ignored.

    We love the technology of today!
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2016
  11. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    Bullcrap! :)
    Frank Sanoica likes this.
  12. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Then, how do you handle the things you don't like??

    In today's world, if a person gets to verbal in what they don't like, they either get their butt kicked or shot. My wife doesn't want either of those things to happen to us!

    Discussing dislikes on a forum like this one is safe, while other places not so.
  13. Ike Willis

    Ike Willis Supreme Member

    Jul 9, 2015
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    I could never "handle" that. If my son came out of his bedroom dressed like that, don't really know what I'd do. He wouldn't leave the house like that, though.
    Chrissy Cross likes this.
  14. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    @Ike Willis, Europeans and some New Yorkers and Los Angeles young folks dress like this. Back in high school, I was really "nerdy" looking. I didn't wear glasses, but with a very short haircut, that was my step-dad's idea, my ears really showed out. And, just look at how many Baby Boomers dressed at Woodstock.
    Frank Sanoica likes this.
  15. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    You started off your thread saying we just have to accept things the way they are Cody and in your following posts your repeated that a few times. That is the part I think is bullcrap. We don't have to accept things we don't agree with or go along with them either.

    You did add ignore...which is what I would do in many cases if I don't agree with things. Sometimes we can't ignore the things we don't accept because they are being shoved in our faces to the point of trampling on our own rights. Like the LBGT Agenda to force Christians to accept and approve of their lifestyle. I could just ignore this and let them do their own thing...but they want to force their own thing on us....and that I can't accept or ignore. So if it affects me directly then I have to take a stand against this and since it is affecting some of my sisters and brothers in Christ...I will have to help support them in their stance against this.

    People have a right to live their own lives, as long as they aren't trying to make everyone else live that life too. When this starts happening as it is have to stand up and "fight" for what you believe is right and be willing to pay whatever "price" it will cost you if it comes down to that.

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