I thought you were joking until I read the link. In the first place, he was extremely rude to interrupt her. To interrupt her to correct a word that didn't suit him is even worse. Peoplekind? Really? The word mankind means man and all his kind. That includes men, women and children. How much clearer could it be? He said today that he was just joking. Mmmmm, OK. He is being ridiculed around the world.
Perhaps as a French speaking person, Trudeau simply translated the English "mankind" into "Humanit'e" which does reference itself back into humanity and is all inclusive. There really isn't a French word for "mankind" in that context. Either way, to burn so many brain cells whilst trying to be politically correct is ludicrous.
Even so, the man knew the meaning on 'mankind' regardless. You think he was trying to get props for coming up with a 'new' word.
He said he was joking...he said it was a joke he would make at home, and he should have known better to say it out loud in public..he said it was taken out of context.... I say, he's a numpty, and was just trying to be a smart arse...
It is seldom that I have to google a word but "numpty" was a must. Even spell check doesn't like it but BOOM..........it's a real word and in my opinion, one that is quite appropriate in this case.
LOL....well that's the scot in me coming out... https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Numpty